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Dieser Artikel untersucht, wie wir eine effektive Strategie entwickeln können, die einige der wichtigen Aspekte von TA beinhaltet, um unsere Chancen zu verbessern. Artikel lesen (PDF) Dieser Artikel erschien erstmals in der Ausgabe des SGX Magazins Impulse im Januar 2007. Trading mit RSI Während die Verwendung von Relative Strength Index (RSI), um technische Kauf - und Verkaufssignale in einem gebundenen Markt zu erhalten, gut verstanden wird, ist die Verwendung dieses Indikators in einem Trending-Markt komplizierter. Dieser Artikel umfasst die Verwendung von RSI über die drei Arten von Marktbedingungen nämlich Aufwärtstrend, Abwärtstrend und Bereich-gebundenen oder sideway Markt. Wir werden das Konzept der Unterstützung und Widerstand Ebenen, die verwendet werden können, um die Genauigkeit der RSI-Signale zu verbessern. RSI von J. Welles Wilder entwickelt, ist ein leistungsfähiger Indikator, der verwendet wird, um die Geschwindigkeit der Preisbewegungen zu messen. Im Gegensatz zu anderen Impulsindikatoren wie Stochastik, die auch bei geringen Gesamtbewegungen große Variationen aufweisen, ist RSI aufgrund der Art und Weise, wie der Wert berechnet wird, immun gegen diesen Nachteil. In Kürze sind RSI-Werte von der Anzahl der Tage betroffen, die der Preis schließt und die Anzahl der Tage, die der Preis über einen bestimmten Zeitraum schließt. Häufig verwendete Perioden für t sind 14 und 21 Tage. In diesem Artikel werden wir t 14 verwenden, die ursprünglich von Wilder vorgeschlagene Periode. Verschiedene Verwendungen von Moving Average Moving Average (MA) ist ein Werkzeug, das üblicherweise von Marktanalysten verwendet wird, so beliebt wie die Verwendung von Trendlinien und Chartmustern, um das Preisverhalten von Aktien zu verstehen. Der Preis einer Aktie kann im Laufe der Zeit aufgrund der häufigen Veränderung der Marktstimmung, des Sektors oder der Branchen im Spiel und der Profitierung schwankend schwanken. Dies macht die Interpretation der zugrunde liegenden Kursbewegung der Aktie schwierig. Daher wird ein Moving Average in der Regel durch die Mittelung der Preise über einen Zeitraum von Zeit produzieren eine glattere Linie genommen. Obwohl die spezifische Zeitspanne, die zur Bildung der MA-Linie verwendet wird, vom Anlagehorizont abhängt und die Vorliebe eines Individuums, werden Perioden wie 20-Tage, 50-Tage, 100-Tage und 200-Tage üblicherweise verwendet. Artikel lesen (PDF) Dieser Artikel erschien zuerst in der April 2007 Ausgabe des SGX Magazins Impulse. Wie man Trends analysiert Einer der wichtigsten Schritte im Handel an der Börse ist es, den Aktienbestand zu identifizieren. Es gibt drei Arten von Trends, nämlich Aufwärtstrend, Abwärtstrend und Sideway. Jeder repräsentiert die unterschiedliche kollektive Stimmung der Börsenteilnehmer, nämlich die Zölle in einem Aufwärtstrend, die Baisse in einem Abwärtstrend und die Unentschlossenheit in einem Seitenmarkt. Trendlinien: Unterstützung der Preisbewegung Ein wichtiges Konzept in der technischen Analyse ist die Bestimmung des Markttrends. Dieser Artikel wird diese wichtige Facette der klassischen technischen Analyse mit einer detaillierten Studie der Trendlinien weiter ausarbeiten. Beleuchten Sie Ihren Trading mit Candlestick Charts Candlesticks Charts sind ein Favorit von vielen Händlern für die Menge und Vielfalt der Informationen, die in seinen Preismustern erfasst werden können. Ng Ee Hwa erklärt die Grundlagen der Leuchter mit zwei gemeinsamen Chartmuster, die oft beobachtet werden. Bottom-Fishing, jedermann Es ist mehr als fünf Monate her, seit der scharfe Abwärtstrend im regionalen Markt begann. Während dieser Periode hat unser weit verbreiteter lokaler Index Straits Times Index (STI) um mehr als 30 von der Allzeithoch von 3909, die am 10. Oktober 2007 erreicht wurde, korrigiert. Um die Sache für die kleinen Investoren schlechter zu machen, haben viele der beliebten Aktien Viel schlimmer als der Benchmark-Index. Cosco Corp, der Star-Performer von 2007 hat bereits von einem kräftigen 60 korrigiert. Es gibt viele andere S-Aktien (SGX-gelistete China-Aktien), die in ähnlicher Weise ein solches brutales Schicksal in diesem Bärenmarkt erlitten haben. Mit dieser schweren Korrektur können Investoren versucht werden, bei der Kauf einige Aktien zu prüfen, wie niedrig ihre Preise sind, im Vergleich zu ihren Höhen erreicht nur ein paar Monaten auch allgemein als Bodenfischerei bekannt. Niedriges Vertrauen zieht Märkte nach unten (Seite 1) In den letzten Monaten Artikel, untersuchten wir die Auswirkungen der Lehman Brothers Fallout und wie die negative Stimmung hätte die lokale Börse betroffen haben Seitdem sind die Aktienmärkte auf der ganzen Welt im Freifall gestürzt. Viele Investoren haben sowohl Geld als auch Vertrauen verloren. Alle Subsea Companies (Die Subsea Industrie) A. Hak Industrial Services - ist ein multidisziplinärer Auftragnehmer für Design, Bau und Instandhaltung von Versorgungsnetzen, Transportleitungen und Kabelsystemen. A2D Technologies - Fähigkeiten für Petroleum Brunnenprotokollierung A2SEA - Transport, Installation und Wartung von Offshore-Windparks Aalborg Industries - Entwicklung, Herstellung und Lieferung hochwertiger Geräte für Heizung, Prozessdampf, Energieerzeugung und Reinigungszwecke Aanderaa Data Instruments AS - Schiffsverkehrssysteme In Häfen und Häfen, Offshore-Vermessung Aanestad Engineering AS - liefert Hebezeuge, Winden und Kräne AB Controls Technology Ltd - Designer und Hersteller von Brandschutz und Appello Notfall-Kommunikationssysteme Abalt Solutions Limited - bietet innovative Engineering-Lösungen und Schulungsdienste Aban Offshore Limited - Ein führender Name in Offshore-Bohrungen ABB Group - Energie - und Automatisierungstechnik Abbeville Offshore Quarters, Inc. - führend in der Bereitstellung von Komfort und Sicherheit in Offshore-Wohnräumen. Abbot Group plc - Offshore-Bohr-und Brunnen-Service-Auftragnehmer Aberdeen Drilling - ist ein Ausbildungsunternehmen mit Einrichtungen in Aberdeen, Schottland, Großbritannien und Houston, Texas, USA Aberdeen Drilling Consultants Ltd - bieten qualitativ hochwertige Bohr-und Brunnen Engineering-Beratung für die Öl-und Gas Industrie, ABLE Instruments Controls Limited - Lieferant von Prozessinstrumentierung und Steuerungslösungen ABS Unternehmensgruppe - tragen zur Schaffung einer sicheren und umweltfreundlichen Welt bei, indem sie Dienstleistungen erbringen, die alle Branchen, Industrie und Regierung erreichen. Absoft AG - Bereitstellung von SAP-Lösungen für die Öl - und Gasindustrie Abu Dhabi (ADIPEC) - Rohrinspektion und Wireline Manpower Services. ABV S. r.l. - Engineering und Herstellung von Kugel-, Tor - und Rückschlagventilen Access Accounting - ist einer der führenden Anbieter von Geschäfts - und Buchhaltungssoftware in Großbritannien. Zugangs-Öl-Werkzeuge - Rohrleitungs-Werkzeuge und Hilfseinrichtungen Akkumulatoren - umfangreiche Palette von hydro-pneumatischen Akkumulatoren ACE Alfred Cheyne Engineering Ltd - Design, Herstellung und Vermietung von hydraulischen Winden und Marine-Deck Maschinen für die Offshore-Öl-und Gas-, Marine-und Erneuerbare-Energien-Märkte Aceco Valve Inc. - fertigt Verteiler-Ventile für den Einsatz in Offshore-und Inland-Produktion Mannigfaltigkeit und Hochdruck-Flow-Anwendungen Acergy - Ein Meeresboden-zu-Oberflächen-Ingenieur - und Bauunternehmer für die Offshore-Öl - und Gasindustrie weltweit Kontakt. Telefon: 44 (0) 20 8210 5500. Fax: 44 (0) 20 8210 5501 London, UK, Europa (Nord) acergy-Gruppe Aceunico - Produktlinie wurde vor allem maßgeschneiderte Arbeitsabdeckungen zusammen mit Werkhemden und Hosen Aco Norge AS - Analyse Von Chemikalien und bietet Kunden Lösungen für die Reduzierung von Produkten und Lieferanten Acona Group - eine internationale Beratungsgruppe, die sich auf das Verständnis von Risiken und die Verbesserung der Leistungsfähigkeit konzentriert ACS Separations Massen-Transfer-Produkte - Entwicklung von Trenntechnologien durch die Bereitstellung von Hochleistungs-Produkt Acteon - konzentriert sich auf den entscheidenden Bereich Einer Offshore-Öl - und Gasentwicklung zwischen den Brunnen auf dem Meeresboden und der Oberfläche Acteon Group Ltd - Meeresboden auf Oberflächen-, Untersee-Dienstleistungen, strukturelle Integrität, gute Integrität AcuTech Consulting Group - HSE-Schulung und Sicherheitsrisikoanalyse, Software und Beratung AD TEK Pte Ltd Singapur - Marine Offshore Oil Gas Supplies Singapur Asia Adalet - explosionsgeschützte und druckfeste Gehäuse und Armaturen für gefährliche und umweltfreundliche Umweltmärkte Adalet Wireless - ist ein führender Hersteller von industriellen Funksystemen. ADNOC - Abu Dhabi National Oil Company - staatseigene Erdgas-Explorationsgesellschaft Kontakt. Telefon: (971) 26 02 00 00. Fax: (971) 26 02 33 89 Abu Dhabi, UAE, Mittlerer Osten adnoc Advanced Designs Corp. - Doppler Wetterradar, Wetterradar, Doppler Radar, Radar, Doppler, Wetterdatenanzeige, Daten-Display, Wetter, Advanced Geotechnology Inc. - Geowissenschaften, Geologie Seismische und Software-Entwicklung Advanced Insulation Plc - Hersteller und Applikatoren von hochintergalen Hochtemperatur-Phenol-Subsea-Dämmsysteme Advanced Marine Innovation Technology Subsea Ltd - Subsea Engineering Innovation und Entwicklung Advanced Production and Loading - Produktionssysteme: Revolver und Festmacher für FPSOs und BFS. Advanced Subsea sas - spezialisiert auf Tiefsee-Unterwasser-Bauunterstützung Advanced Valve Technology - ist weltweit führend bei der Anwendung verstärkter Verbundtechniken auf Kugelhähne, Absperrklappen, Rückschlagventilen und anderen verwandten Produkten Advanced Well Technologies - führender unabhängiger Anbieter innovativer Feldentwicklung und Sanierung Lösungen für die weltweit vorgelagerte Öl - und Gasindustrie Advantica Ltd - Premier-Anbieter von fortschrittlichen Technologie - und Systemlösungen, die hochleistungsfähigen Öl - und Gasunternehmen helfen AEC Technology - ist ein unabhängiges Ingenieurbüro, das sich auf die Bereitstellung hochwertiger Projektmanagement - und Ingenieurleistungen spezialisiert hat. AED OIL Limited - Erwerb, Entwicklung und Kommerzialisierung von spezifizierten Ölfeldern und Öl-Exploration AEI Cables Ltd. - Strom - und Verbundkabel und Nabelschnur Aera Energy LLC - Öl - und Gasproduzent Aeromarine - Offshore-Anbieter, Schiffsausrüster, Schiffsreparaturen, Händler Exporteure von Schiffsersatzhilfen Zur maritimen Navigation Aerospace Marine International - Wetterdienstleistungen für die maritime Industrie AES American Energy Services Inc. - breiteste Produktlinie eines beliebigen Ventilherstellers in der Welt AF Decom Offshore - Abbruch und Abbau von Ölinstallationen Afren plc - unabhängige Öl - und Gasexploration, Entwicklung Und Produktionsfirma Agar Corporation - innovative Kohlenwasserstoff-Wassergas-Mess - und Steuergeräte für den Modernisstrom Ölindustrie Agar Corporation Inc. - Monitoring Instrumentierung als Durchflussmesser AGC Chemicals Americas, Inc. - einer der weltweit größten Hersteller von Glas, elektronischen Displays und chemischen Produkten. Aggreko Norwegen AS - sorgt für eine sichere und zuverlässige Projektleistung für einige der weltweit größten Öl - und Gasstrukturen, alle großen Auftragnehmer und ihre Betreiber AGIP Petroli SpA - betreibt in der Raffination und Vermarktung von Erdölprodukten Agito AS - Spezialist für Unterwasser-Wasserbau und Simulation. AGR Ability Group AS - Engagement und Beratung für Bohr - und Pipeline AGR Subsea AS - Anbieter einer breiten Palette von kritischen Dienstleistungen und Technologien für die Öl - und Gasindustrie, Aibel - eines der größten norwegischen Öl-Service-Unternehmen, die Ingenieure, baut, unterhält und Ändert die Öl - und Gasproduktionsanlagen. AIK Group - Beratung, Projektmanagement, Bohrtechnik, Unterwasserbau AIMS International, Inc. - Konstruktion und Montage von Korrosionsschutzverbundwerkstoffen und - systemen Air Chiller, Inc. - Tragbare Kühlsysteme und Mister Air Starter Components, Inc. - Hersteller und Vertreiber Von Premium-Qualität Luft Starter Ersatzteile und Starter. AirCo Metals Limited - spezialisiert auf die Lieferung von Titan und Nickel-Legierungen in allen halbfertigen Formen Airpac Bukom Oilfield Services - sind ein marktführendes Luftkompressions-Verleih AJ Gassdeteksjon AS - Gesamtlieferant von tragbaren und festen Gas - und Brandmeldeanlagen und Gasanalysatoren. Bietet Service und Support für alle Geräte an. AJT Engineering - umfangreiche konventionelle und CNC-Bearbeitbarkeit, Schweißen, einschließlich spezialisierte automatisierte Verkleidungen, Fertigung, mechanische Montage AKD Engineering ltd - kostengünstige, qualitativ hochwertige Fertigung und Bearbeitung von Dienstleistungen für eine breite Palette von Marktsegmenten Aker Arctic Technology - Bau eines Ingenieurbüros Und neue Eis-Modell-Test-Becken Aker Drilling - ist ein Rig-Unternehmen von Aker Aker Floating Production gegründet - eigene, betreiben und Charter aus umgebaute Tanker für Offshore-Öl-und Gas-Produktion und Lagerung Aker Geo AS - Geologische und geophysikalische Interpretation, Petrophysik, Reservoir Modellierung und Simulation, Produktionstechnologie und Betrieb Aker Marine Contractors - Schwimmer - und Festmacheranlagen, Schwerkraftinstallationen, Abbau und Surf. Zielgebiete: Europa, GoM und Westafrika. Aker Solutions AS - Feldentwicklung, Fertigung und Bauleistungen, Kontakt: Telefon: 47 67 51 30 00. Fax: 47 67 51 30 10 Lysaker, NORWEGEN, Europa (Norden) Akersolutions Aker Subsea AS - Aker Solutions39s Untergruppe Gruppe Aker Well Service AS - ist ein führender Anbieter von Brunnen-Interventionsdienstleistungen AKITA Drilling ltd. - ist ein führender Öl-und Gas-Bohr-und Brunnen-Service-Auftragnehmer Alberta Research Council - führen Auftragsforschung und Entwicklung, lizenzieren wir unser geistiges Eigentum, und wir Partner in Ventures in Übereinstimmung mit unserer strategischen Richtung Alco Hi-Tek Ltd - modulare Ventile und Doppel-Block und Entlüftungsventile Proben - und chemische Einspritzventile. Alco-Mono-Flanschventile Alco-Ventile Gruppe - Hersteller von Doppel - und Entlüftungs-, Kugel - und Steuerventilen Alco Valves Ltd (USA Kanada) - fertigt ein komplettes Sortiment an Hochdruckventilen für Mess-, Pipeline - und Subseeanwendungen. Alcoa Oil Gas - eine breite Palette von Metallen, einschließlich Aluminium, Titan, Nickel-basierte Superlegierungen, Stahl und Edelstahl Aldaberta Indonesien - Engineering und Management-Dienstleistungen für Öl-und Gasindustrie AlexanderRyan Marine Safety Co. - bietet Inspektion, Reparatur, Sanierung, Felddienste Und Zertifizierungsdienste für eine Vielzahl von Ausrüstungssystemen Alfa Pumps Systems - bietet Hochleistungs-Zahnradpumpen Algor, Inc. - Industriestandard-Sparse-Solver für lineare dynamische Analyse, statische Spannungsanalyse und MES Alkota Cleaning Systems Inc. - Hochdruckreiniger, Teilereiniger, Abwasserbehandlungssysteme, leistungsstarke Reinigungsmittel Alle Oceans Engineering Ltd - bieten flexible, kostengünstige Lösungen für unterwassertechnische Handhabungsprobleme Allamon Tool Company Bohr-, Arbeits - und Fertigstellungsausrüstung Allard Europe - produzieren auch Eisen als gegossener Stahl Allegheny Ludlum - eins Der größten Spezialitäten-Metallproduzenten für korrosionsbeständige Edelstahl - und Nickel-Legierungen in der Welt in Form von Teller und Streifen Alliance Engineering - entwickeln und transportieren ihre Öl - und Gasressourcen sicher, effizient und profitabel Alliance Marine Services - unabhängige Organisation und bietet maßgeschneiderte Marine Dienstleistungen für die See - und Offshore-Industrie. Alloy Screen Works - führender unabhängiger Hersteller von Premium-Screen-Filtrationsgeräten All-Pro Fasteners Inc. - komplette Linie von Schrauben, Muttern, Unterlegscheiben, Schrauben und Befestigungselementen Allseas - Haupt-Offshore-Pipelay - und Untersee-Baufirmen in der Welt, betrieb spezialisierte Schiffe Allseas Group SA - Öl-Gas-Pipeline-Engineering-Auftragnehmer Trenching-Schutz Alltec - Ein erfolgreicher Produzent und Dienstleister für Elektroinstallations-, Automatisierungs - und Informationstechnologie-Anlagen Alpha Sim Technology - Anbieter von maßgeschneiderten Softwarelösungen für die Petroleum Refining, Chemische Verarbeitung, Energieerzeugung, Zellstoff und Papier und Informationstechnologie-Industrie Alpha Wells - Wissen benötigt, um bessere Brunnen in einem einfach zu bedienenden kontinuierlichen Lernprozess zu schaffen. Alstom Power UK - ist der weltweit führende Anbieter von Wasserkraftwerken, Kombikraftwerken, Energieerzeugungsdienstleistungen und Umweltschutzsystemen Altinex - Optimierung und Schulung für alle Arten von Öl - und Gasbohrungen Altra Industrial Motion - weltweit führender Anbieter hochwertiger Energieübertragung Und Motion Control Produkte Alustar AS - ist ein Aluminium-Gerüst-Konzept von erfahrenen Gerüstbauern entwickelt Ambox Ltd - Metall-Service-Dienstleistungen, um verschiedene Anforderungen zu erfüllen spezialisiert auf die Herstellung von komplexen Produkten aus Prototyping durch Full-Scale-Produktion Amclyde Norson Engineering - Pipelay Equipment einschließlich der konzeptionellen Design Von Spannern, Rampen, Klemmen, Ausrichtern, Richtmaschinen, Rollen und Karussells AMEC - eines der weltweit führenden internationalen Projektmanagement - und Dienstleistungsunternehmen Kontakt: Jock Green-Armytage, Telefon: 44 (0) 20 7634 0000, Fax: 44 (0) 20 7634 0001 London, Großbritannien, Europa (Nord) amec AMEC Black McDonald - Elektrisch, Mechanik, Utility und Wartung AMEC Paragon - eines der führenden Projektmanagement-, Ingenieurdienstleistungen und Asset Management-Organisationen Amec Paragon - Engineering, Designdrafting, Beschaffung, Inspektion , Bauleitung und Ausbildungsdienste für die Öl - und Gasindustrie AMEC plc - ein führender Anbieter von Asset-Support für die Öl - und Gasindustrie AMEK AS - bietet alle Disziplinen in der mechanischen Fertigung sowie hydraulische und elektrische Montage und Prüfung. Bietet qualitativ hochwertige Lieferungen termingerecht - Hersteller von flexiblen Strom - und Steuer-Nabelschnurkräften Amercable Systems - ist spezialisiert auf präzise konstruierte, gebrauchsfertige Kabelkonfektionen für komplexe Öl - und Gasanwendungen und tragbare Stromerzeugung American Alloy Steel - Legierung und Kohlenstoffstahl Platte, Präzisions-Flammschnitt Stahlblechformen und - muster American Block MFG - Fahrblöcke (bis zu 1 000 Tonnen), Hammerverbinder, Drehgelenke, Manometer, Rundtische und Reparatur von Schlammpumpen, Blöcken, Schwenken und so weiter American Cleaning Systems Inc. - Verkauf und Wartung von Dampfreinigern und Hochdruckreinigern Lagerbestandteile für alle Marken und Modelle von Hochdruckreinigern American Grating LLC - fertigt geformtes, pultrudiertes und phenolisches Glasfaser-Gitter für den industriellen Einsatz American Industrial Plastics, Inc. - ist ein Full-Service CNC-Kunststoff-Bearbeitung Center American LEWA - Hersteller von Dosierpumpen, Prozesspumpen und Systemen für die chemische Beschickung, Injektion, Dosierung und kontrolliertes Volumen Pumpen von Flüssigkeiten American Polymer Products (APP Inc.) - ist eine branchenführende kundenspezifische Müller von Polyurethan-Produkten. American Underwater Services Inc - kommerzielles Tauchen im Inland und Offshore, Pipeline, Rig, Inspektion, ect. American Variseal - ein globaler Industriekonzern, dessen führende Positionen auf fortschrittlicher Polymertechnologie und ausführlichem Anwendungs-Know-how basieren AmeriMex Motor Controls, Inc. - bietet eine Vielzahl von hochwertigen neuen und wiederaufgearbeiteten ACDC-Elektromotoren, Generatoren und Motorsteuerungen Um die Macht Bedürfnisse einer Branche Amerjin Co., LLC zu erfüllen. - bieten qualitativ hochwertige Produkte und Dienstleistungen für Ölfeld-, Petrochemie-, Marine - und andere Industrieunternehmen an. Ameron BV - bietet die weltweit umfangreichste Palette an Glasfaserverstärkte Epoxid - (GRE) Rohrprodukte für Offshore-, Öl - und Gas - und Schiffsdienste an. Ameron Performance Coatings Finishes Group - Struktur, Korrosionsschutz, Antifouling, Protective, Ametek Process Instruments - AMETEK Process Instruments ist ein weltweiter Hersteller von Prozessanalysatoren und Instrumenten. Die Märkte, die wir bedienen, wachsen ständig. AMETEK US Gauge - führende Anbieter von qualitativ hochwertigen, preisgünstigen Druck - und Temperaturmessprodukten AMICO - Klemp - fertigt eine umfangreiche Palette von Stabgittern, inklusive geschweißtem, vernietetem, verpress - und pressgespanntem Gitter Aminex plc - erfahrenen, unabhängigen Öl Und Gas-Unternehmen Amitec AS - Prozess-Informations-Management-Systeme und Echtzeit-Portal-Collaboration-Lösungen für Unternehmen Amphenol Fiber Systems International - ist ein Full-Service-Glasfaser-Unternehmen spezialisiert auf die Herstellung und Herstellung von Glasfaser-Konnektivität Produkte und Systeme Amphenol Industrial - PYLE - Interconnect Systeme für raue Umgebungsanwendungen AMRI Inc. - fertigt Drosselklappen, Stellantriebe und Zubehör für viele Märkte, darunter Chemie, Petrochemie, Zellstoff, Wasser und Halbleiter Anadarko Petroleum - eine der größten unabhängigen Erdöl - und Erdgasforschung und - produktion Unternehmen Analytical Systems Intl. Keco RD - bewährte Analysatoren, Luftsensoren und Analysatorzubehör Andergauge AG - Bietet innovative, kostengünstige und zuverlässige Bohr - und Interventionswerkzeuge für die weltweite Öl - und Gasindustrie. Andrew Palmer Associates - betreut weiterhin die spezialisierten Beratungsleistungen für unsere Kunden Andrews Survey - ein führender Anbieter von Umfrage - und Positionierungsdienstleistungen für die internationale Offshore-Industrie Anson ltd - Ventile, Mannigfaltigkeiten und Flowline-Geräte AnsulTyco Fire Security - anspruchsvolle Brandmeldeanlagen und eine komplette Trocken-, Schaum - und gasförmige Löschmittel. Ansys Inc. - entwirft, entwickelt, vermarktet und unterstützt weltweit Engineering-Simulationslösungen Antares Offshore llc - Anbieter von Nischen-Engineering - und Projektmanagement-Dienstleistungen für die Öl - und Gasindustrie AnTech Limited - Rohrleitungswerkzeuge und - dienstleistungen Anthelion Systems, Inc. - Hardware und Software Designfirma, spezialisiert auf Embedded Systems, Instrumentation und Consulting Antrim Energy as Öl - und Gasexplorations - und Produktionsfirma Anzett AS - bietet Design, Engineering, Fertigung, Montage und Prüfung von kompletten Fluid Control und Brandschutzanlagen Anzon Australia Limited - Upstream Öl - und Gasfirma gegründet, um definierte Öl - und Gasfelder zu erwerben, zu entwickeln und zu vermarkten AOI Instrumentation - einfaches, robustes, traditionelles Werkzeug oder ein komplettes modernes elektronisches Instrumentierungssystem Apache Corporation - ist ein unabhängiges Energieunternehmen, Entwickelt und produziert Erdgas-, Rohöl - und Erdgasflüssigkeiten Apache Pipeline Products - Großer Hersteller von Pipeline-Reinigungs - und Wartungsgeräten. Apex Tubulars Ltd - Lieferant von Downhole Casing und Tubing (OCTG) APP International Inc. - Australisches Beratungsgeschäft, spezialisiert auf Projektmanagement Appleton Marine, Inc. - liefern kundenspezifische Marine-Deck-Maschinen einschließlich Kräne, Winden, Ankerwinden, Capstans, Schlauchrollen und Sondersysteme Applied Acoustic Engineering - Hersteller von Unterwasser-Akustikprodukten für Unterwasserbefragung, Positionierung und Verfolgung sowie Unterbodenprofilsysteme (50J-6000J) inklusive seismischer Energie - und Schallquellen, Boomers und Sparkern. Kontakt: Gavin Willoughby, Telefon: (44) 1493 440355. Fax: (44) 1493 440720 Großes Yarmouth, Großbritannien, Europa (Nord) angewandte Akustik Applied Electronic Systems Inc. - Design und Herstellung von elektrischen Wireline-Tools und Elektronik-Design von Bohrloch-Draht-Werkzeuge, die Für feindliche Bohrumgebungen einsetzen Applied Energy Company, Inc. - situationsbezogene Lösungen für Kontaminationskontrolle, Schmierung, PD-Luftbedarf und Hydraulik Angewandte Physiksysteme - Lenksensoren für Richtungsbohrungen und miniaturisierte Sensoren für den universellen Einsatz Applied Rubber Technology - Fachhändler Von Gummi-Auskleidungen für die Prozessanlage Applied Sensor Technologies - Überwachung von Druck - oder Temperaturbedingungen und Durchführung von kritischen Alarm-, Steuerungs - und Abschaltfunktionen von Geräten oder Prozessen APS-Technologie - Entwicklung und Herstellung von Produkten, die zuverlässig in Umgebungen arbeiten, in denen Schock, Vibration, hohe Temperatur und Druck, Flüssige Erosion und Korrosion sind Aqua-Chem - Design, Herstellung und Vermarktung von Abwärme-Destillations-KWK-Anlagen für Schlüsselmärkte und Anwendungen weltweit Aquadyne AS - Anbieter von Klanginstrumenten für Unterwasser-Positionier - und Kartierungssysteme von führenden Unterwasser-Geräteherstellern Aquafine Corp. - Spezialisiert sich auf die Anwendung von High Gradient Magnetic Separator (HGMS) Technologie auf die mineralische und chemische Industrie Aquatec Subsea Limited - Instrumentierung Design und Überwachung Aquatic - unabhängige Betreiber von powered Rollen für die globale Öl-und Gasindustrie BA Hydraulics Ltd - Produkte zur Verfügung, Einschließlich Hydraulikpumpen-Einheiten, Zylinder, Spreizer, Nuss-Splitter, Drehmoment-Ausrüstung und Bolzen-Spann-Ausrüstung. Babcock BES - ist ein strategischer britischer Anbieter von Ingenieur - und Unterstützungsdiensten für die Royal Navy BAC Corrosion Control AS - Hauptlieferant und Hersteller von Opferanoden für den Kathodenschutz Badger Exploration ASA - revolutionäre neue Explorationsmethode für die Exploration von Kohlenwasserstoffen mit deutlich geringerem Risiko, Kosten und Komplexität als die Verwendung einer teuren Bohranlage Baker Atlas - Advanced Well Logging, Wireline und Completion Systems Baker Hughes Inc - Beratung und Engineering in Ölfeldbohrungen Kontakt: Gary Flaharty, Telefon: (171) 34 39 86 00. Fax: (171) 34 39 86 99 Houston, USA, Amerika (Nord) bakerhughes Baker Hughes Incorporated - Bereitstellung von Produkten und Dienstleistungen für internationale Ölkonzerne, unabhängige Öl - und Gasgesellschaften und nationale Ölkonzerne Baker Hughes INTEQ - Richtungsbohrungen, Mess-Bohrungen (MWD), Logging-while-bohren (LWD), Coring-Systeme und gut-site Informationsmanagement-Service Baker Oil Tools - Bohrlochbohrungen, Fertigstellung, Downhole, Workover und Angelgeräte Kontakt. Telefon: (171) 34 66 13 22. Fax: (171) 34 66 25 02 Houston, USA, Amerika (Nord) bakeroiltools Baker Petrolite - Hersteller Chemie-, Ingenieur - und Technologielösungen Baker SPD - führender Hersteller einer breiten Palette von Bohrprodukten , Einschließlich der Mud Hog Zentrifugalpumpe. Bal Seal Engineering Europe BV - Lieferanten von Siegel - und Schrägfedern Balltec Limited - Design und Herstellung innovativer, zuverlässiger und effizienter mechanischer Handling-Produkte auf Basis unserer Ball - und Roll-Engagement-Mechanismen (BREM) Balmoral Group - Hersteller von Schiffsausrüstung, Bouys, Moorings und Verbundwerkstoffe Balmoral Offshore Engineering - beinhalten starre und dynamische Riser Auftrieb, ROVAUV und Unterboden Auftrieb, Elastomerkabel Protektoren, Biege-Drosseln Bandak AS - Reparatur und Beschichtung Schleifen von Ventil-Teile (Tore Sitze, Stiele, Kugeln), Pumpenteile, (Ringe, Laufräder, Wellen ) Und Drilller-Ausrüstung Band-It-Idex - Weltmarktführer in qualitätsgefertigten Bandspannsystemen Barco NV - Der weltweite Experte für kollaborative Displaysysteme für die Öl - und Gasindustrie. Bardex (UK) Ltd - weltweiter Technologieführer bei der Konstruktion, Herstellung und Montage von Schwerlast-, Positionier-, Festmacher - und Spannsystemen Baricon Systems - Karussells, Spanner, Rollenantriebe, Unterwalzen und zugehörige Leistungs - und Steuerungssysteme Barry Controls - Design, Herstellung und Anwendung von Produkten und Systemtechnik zur Steuerung von Vibrationen, mechanischem Schock und Körperschall Bartec AS - führender Anbieter von Sicherheitstechnik, entwickelt und produziert innovative Produkte BASiC Energy Services, Inc. - unsere Dienstleistungen unterstützen die gesamte Lebenszyklus eines Brunnens - vom Bohren bis zur Produktion und endlich - Aufgabe. Bass Strait Oil Company - Explorations - und Produktionsaktivitäten Bassi OffShore - liefert eine breite Palette von Gummischläuchen für Rohöl und Derivatprodukte Batt Cables Plc - Verteiler von Elektrokabeln und Zubehör, bekannt für Qualität, Service Bayards Aluminiumkonstruktionen - Lieferung von Aluminiumkonstruktionen an Große Interessen in vielen Branchen, vom Schiffbau, Offshore, Transport, Lagerung bis hin zu Tiefbau und verteidigt Bayphase Ltd - Out Reservoir Studien und Feldbewertungen Baze Technology - führender Anbieter von Faktenbasierten Betriebsmanagement Software (OMS) für Produktionsunternehmen BBL Company - Pipeline that will link the Netherlands and the United Kingdom Beach Petroleum - oil and gas Exploration and Production Company Beacon Maritime, Inc. - vessels and marine fabrication projects Bechtel Group - engineering, construction, and project management BEI Technologies - manufacturer of electronic sensors, motors, actuators, rotary optical encoders, linear encoders Beijer Electronics - development - and agency corporation within automation, offering products Beka Associates Ltd - dedicated to continuous development of display instrumentation for hazardous and safe areas BEL Valves - manufacturer specialising in valves and services for Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Industries Belmet - steel fabricator operating in the general engineering, manufacturing, oil gas Belsim - data validation technology in many process industries to deliver optimum solutions Belzona Polymerics Ltd - provider of unique solutions for design and maintenance problems in the oil and gas industry Benestad - manufacturing high voltage, high current penetrators and sensors for extreme applications Bennex AS - subsea distribution systems and seismic, and delivers complete solutions in valves and automation. Beras Ltd - supplying protective equipment and clothing, rescue equipment, lifting tackle, lashing gear and a wide range of consumer articles Bergen Group - is a maritime industrial group with main focus on the offshore industry and specialized vessels Bergesen Worldwide Offshore AS - dependable FPSO pioneer, providing versatile solutions driven by customer needs Bestobell Steam Traps - steam systems solutions including steam traps, float thermostatic traps, thermodynamic Bettis Actuator - manufacturers of subsea oil gas valves and actuators Bexco Ropes B. V. - manufacturer of lightweight ropes for many industrial and marine applications Beyond Compliance - implements and supports the Companys Integrated Compliance Management System BG Group plc - exploration and production, liquefied natural gas, transmission and distribution Contact. Phone: 44 (0) 118 935 3222. Fax: 44 (0) 118 935 3484 Berkshire, UK, Europe(North) bg-group BG Norge - engaged in exploration for and production, transmission, distribution and supply of natural gas Bharat Petroleum - Refining, Storing, Marketing and distributing petroleum products BHP Billiton - an international oil and gas exploration and production company in australia Bibby Line Limited - DP Class 2 offshore multi-role diving support vessels Bico Drilling Tools inc - manufactures and services downhole drilling motors Bifold Fluidpower Ltd - manufacturer of pneumatic, hydraulic, electro-pneumatic and electro-hydraulic directional control valves and accessories Bilco Tools Inc - the industry with a full line of CRA make-up and handling equipment BIS Salamis Group Ltd - is an international company with a track record in providing integrity and maintenance services to the oil and gas BiS Valves Ltd - manufacturers of hydraulic, pneumatic, electro-hydraulic and electro-pneumatic directional control valves, manifold solutions and control components. Bishop Lifting Products, Inc. - fabricates and distributes lifting products to oilfield, petrochemical, construction, transportation Bisso Marine - provider of diving, heavy lift, offshore construction and salvage services. BJ Process Pipeline Services - pipeline services that includes flooding, hydrotesting, cleaning, drying, commissioning, inline gas filtration, gel pigging, chemical cleaning, isolation, BJ Services - cementing, drilling, coil tubing, casing and other oilfield well services Contact. Phone: (171) 34 62 42 39. Fax: (171) 38 95 58 98 Houston, USA, America(North) bjservices Bladt Industries AS - Specialist in manufacturing welded offshore steel structures Blake Offshore LLC - provides offshore drilling, completion and work over services as well as providing mobile offshore production units BLCHER Metal AS - leading stainless steel sanitary discharge system, represented worldwide Blue Dolphin Energy Company - pipeline and oil gas exploration services Blue Water Shipping AS - is an international shipping, transport and freight forwarding company with head office in Esbjerg BlueSky Process Solutions Ltd. - manufacturer of joints connectors and fittings Bluewater Energy Services - FPSO, marine equipment and moorings systems BMT Cordah - international multi-disciplinary environmental consultancy and information systems company BMT Marine Projects Ltd - marine engineering design, assessment and consultancy, naval architecture and project oversight BOA Offshore AS - Owner and operator of a diversified fleet comprising some 30 units, including flat-top and semi-submersible barges, multipurpose offshore vessels Bodewes Winches - leading designer and manufacturer of tailormade winch systems, such as deepwater mooring and AR winch systems, hoisting winches Bodycote K-Tech Inc. - Contract Heat Treatment, Metal Joining, Hot Isostatic Processing, Metallurgical Coatings, Materials Testing Services Bo dycote K-Tech, Inc. - works with industries to solve sliding wear and corrosion problems by using proprietary chemical processes Bodycote Materials Testing - the worlds leading independent materials testing lab organisation Boltight Limited - are specialists in the design, manufacture, sale, service, hydraulic nuts, ancillary equipment and supporting products Bolttech Inc. - industrial bolting services Boots Coots de Venezuela - has full firefighting capabilities including personnel, engineering and equipment. Boots Coots International Well Control - is a global emergency response company that specializes in offering prevention, response and restoration capabilities to the global needs of the oil and gas industries. Bosch Rexroth BV - Specialist in implementing complete drive and control systems, often on a turnkey basis Boskalis Offshore BV - pipeline intervention, platform and wellhead intervention, landfalls and shore approaches, decommissioning and cable intervention Bourbon - is a major international player in marine services and offers the most demanding oil and gas clients worldwide B ourbon Offshore Norway AS - is a fully integrated offshore supply ship owning company Bouygues Offshore - engineering, transportation, structural construction and installation Contact. Phone: (331) 30 60 88 88. Fax: (331) 30 64 56 75 Saint-Quentin-Yvelines Cedex, FRANCE, Europe(South) bouygues-offshore B ow Valley Energy Ltd. - is leveraging its knowledge of the international oil and natural gas industry to identify and exploit niche opportunities Bowleven - African focused oil and gas company Bowtech Products Limited - is one of the World39s leading suppliers of components for the ROV and Remote Underwater Intervention Industry BP - a leading provider of oil and natural gas exploration and production Contact. Phone: (4412) 24 83 20 00. Fax: Aberdeen, SCOTLAND, Europe(North) bp BP Norge AS - Holds 15 licences and is operator of 11. Operatorships include the ValhallHod and UlaTambar fields. BPP-TECH - provides a specialist range of engineering expertise, products and services to the offshore oil and gas industry BPZ Energy - is an oil and gas exploration and production company which has exclusive license contracts for oil and gas exploration and production Bradechem - cleans, abrades, bonds, seals, tapes or lubricates Brasilamarras - is the outcome of a joint venture between the Maraj Group (Brasil) and the Vicinay Group (Spain). Bredero Shaw Ltd. - corrosion painting, weight coating, insulation coating Brenntag - A total solutions provider for the oil and gas producing and processing industries, delivering a wide portfolio of chemical products and services Bridon International Ltd - leading specialist in the manufacture of steel wire and wire rope solutions for the most demanding applications Brinker Technology Ltd - pipeline and riser applications B ritish Columbia Offshore Oil Gas Division - tracks the activities of the British Columbia Offshore Oil and Gas Division. Britoil Offshore Services Pte Ltd - full range of vessels, on a charter hire basis, to primarily service the requirements of the offshore oil and gas industries B roady Flow Control Ltd - Renowned for its innovative qualities, has always been in the forefront of design, new manufacturing techniques and undertaking new ventures Bronco Oilfield Services - offers chemical injection and fluid pumps Bronswerk Heat Transfer - in the field of heat exchangers Brooksbank Valves Ltd. - has been providing cost effective valve solutions for a wide range of industries worldwide. Brovig - engaged in most trades, crude, oils and products, chemical tankers, Brown Corrosion Services, Inc. - corrosion, cathodic protection supply and service, corrosion control, corrosion monitoring equipment and systems, and sand and hydrogen monitoring systems. Bruck Pipeconnections BV - supplier within the oil, gas and energy sector, especially in relation to product engineering, ringrolling and forging. Brugg Cables - Switzerland - many cable experts are available to offer advice during the project phase Brunel Energy Pty Ltd - a global service provider that specialises in HR Consultancy, Secondment and Recruitment solutions Brush Wellman Inc. - beryllium, copper, alloy, rod, tube, Brush Wellman BSB Safety Systems - commitment to technology, high quality manufacturing and quality by design, has earned us the ISO 9001 Quality System Certification. BSW Ballgrab - is the market leader in a connector technology used in mooring connectors, pipeline recovery tools BTU - Brnnteknologiutvikling - specialise in the design, manufacture and supply of well intervention products. Buchan Technical Services - supply rental equipment and day rate personnel to support the oil and gas industry Bull Arm Site Corporation - world-class fabrication and construction facility on the east coast of North America. Bureau Veritas Group - specializing in inspection and testing QHSE management Burgmann Industries GMBH - mechanical seals, gas-lubricated seals, stuffing box packings, static seals, magnetic couplings, automotive seals, fabric, rubber Burley SubSea - supply Commercial Diving and Remotely Operated Vehicles to the various inshoreoffshore projects within the region Busak Shamban Norge AS - one of the worlds foremost experts on polymer sealing technology BVM Corporation - is an oilfield manufacturing company that provides rig-handling tools in the oil and gas industry BW Offshore AS - world39s leading FPSO contractors and a market leader within advanced offshore loading and production systems BW Technologies America - designs, manufactures and markets a full line of gas monitoring equipment for various industries Teledyne Benthos - measurement, inspection, data collection and communication in remote and challenging marine environments Centrilift - submersible pumps systems Centron International - production oil wells, flow lines, injection wells and lines, water wells, water processing and recirculating lines, chemical disposal wells and lines, solution mining wells and mine acid lines. Ceradyne, Inc. - manufactures and markets advanced technical ceramic products and components Ceram-Kote by Freecom - manufacturer of the CeRam-Kote family of high performance industrial coating products. Certified Laboratories - is one of the largest manufacturers and suppliers of lubrication products in the world CETCO Oilfield Services - Specialises in the removal of hydrocarbons and other contaminants from offshore and land-based wastewater streams Cetix Group - products include ROV Launch Recovery Systems, Active Heave Compensated Winches, BOP Control Units, Choke Control Systems, Power Distribution Systems, Marine Propulsion Systems and AC-drilling drives C-Fer Technologies - structural, mechanical, petroleum and reliability engineers CGGVeritas - a leading international pure-play geophysical company delivering a wide range of technologies ChainCo International - in automated chain testing, equipment and inspection, ChainCo also provides re-certification, repair and upgrades of heavy duty mooring systems Challenger Minerals Inc. - screener of oil and gas prospects in the Gulf of Mexico and the North Sea Chalmit Lighting - a major supplier of lighting and electrical products to the marine industry Champion Environmental Technologies - Aquasign - specialise in supply of environmentally friendly anti-fouling products like Aquasign Chandler Engineering - Chandler Engineering is the world39s largest supplier of instruments for testing oil, gas, and geothermal well cements Cheetah Oil Gas Ltd - is an exploration stage oil and gas company engaged in exploring for petroleum and natural gas Chelsea Technologies Group - designer and manufacturer of environmental and oceanographic monitoring equipment Chem Oil Products - full line of Valves and Pressure Gauges, instrumentation, Thermometers and Stainless Steel Thermowells Chemical Injection Equipment AS - supplier of chemical injection equipment and pump packages to the process industry ChemSol - is a leading oil and gas fluid additives supplier Chernomorneftegaz - seismic surveys processing and complex interpretation of seismic data Chet Morrison Contractors, Inc. - our services, our fleet, our facilities, and our equipment to deliver on our promise of single - source, cost-effective solutions. Chevron Corporation - oil and gas exploration and production operations around the world Contact. Phone: 1 925-842-1000. Fax: San Ramon, USA, America(North) chevron Chevron Upstream Europe - one of the world39s leading integrated energy companies, with subsidiaries that conduct business worldwide ChevronTexaco - among the world39s largest global energy companies China Fangzheng Valve Manufacturing Co. Ltd. - integrates the design, production, examination, sales into a body in the field of valve industry. China Ocean Shipping(Group) Company - specializing in shipping and logistics, serving as a shipping agency and providing with services in freight forwarding, shipbuilding, shiprepairing China Oilfield Services Limited - leading provider of drilling services offshore China CHINA Petroleum Technology Development Corp - China39s largest professional foreign trade company for petroleum and petrochemical materials, equipment and technologies China Ulo Valve Co.,ltd - Manufacturer and Supplier of valves including gate valve, check valve, globe valve, ball valve, butterfly valve, plug valve and strainer Chornmornaftogas NSC - searching, exploration drilling, construction of fixed platforms and underwater pipelines, development and exploitation of oil and gas fields Chuanyou Guanghan Honghua Co. Ltd. - research, development and manufacture of petroleum drilling production equipment. Circle Oil Plc - is an oil and gas exploration, development and production company with an attractive portfolio of assets in Morocco, Namibia, Oman, Panama and Tunisia Circle Technical - water abrasive cutting systems, friction stud welding equipment and grit entrained low pressure air cleaning systems. Citadel Computer Corporation - design, engineering and manufacturing of harsh-environment computer systems for challenging industrial and military applications CiTECH Energy Systems Ltd - leading offshore gas turbine heat recovery business CKT Projects BV - technical modules, special cargo containers, defence applications, heating, refrigeration and AC systems Cladtek International Pty Ltd - Manufactures bi-metal lined pipe, used primarily in the oil and gas industry ClampOn AS - leading supplier of non-intrusive instruments for sandparticle monitoring, pig detection, leak detection and corrosion-erosion monitoring Clarke UK - workshop is equipped with overhead cranes, parts washing equipment, machine tools and specialised apparatus to facilitate the full rebuild of an engine Clarkson Research Services Ltd. - the world39s leading shipping services provider Claxton Engineering - provide engineering and services for Well Systems, Structures and Pipelines across the lifetime of the field from Pre-Drilling to Drilling ClerkMaxwell Limited - an independent engineering consultancy providing Engineering and Management services Clough Engineering - engineering, design and installation of complex subsea facilities Contact. Phone: (618) 92 81 92 81. Fax: (618) 94 81 66 99 Perth, AUSTRALIA, Australia clough. au CMP Products - industrial, Marine Hazardous Area Cable Glands CNOOC - China National Offshore Oil Corporation - China National Offshore Oil Corporation - CNOOC Contact. Phone: (8610) 84 52 10 10. Fax: Beijing, CHINA, Asia cnooc. cn CNPC - The China National Petroleum Corporation Coastal Drilling Land Company - drilling company Coastel Communications - providing the offshore industry with the best communications services in the Gulf of Mexico. Cobalt International Energy - a private oil and gas exploration and production company focusing on the deepwater of the Gulf of Mexico and West Africa. Cochrane Technologies, Inc. - variety of state-of-the-art SONAR Systems to map seafloor locations, locate debris, and recover objects lost overboard CODA Octopus Ltd - engaged in 3D subsea technology and is the developer and patent holder of real time 3D sonar products Codeware, Inc. - develops software for design, rating, drafting and costing of ASME Section VIII pressure vessels and heat exchangers. Coester - supplying integrated solutions with advanced data communication technology Coflexip - Technip - piping fabrication and construction and ROV installation of flowline Coiltech - Offers titanium coils for extremely corrosive environments Columbus McKinnon - leading designer and manufacturer of material handling products, systems and services which efficiently and ergonomically move, lift, position or secure material. Combilift, Inc - IC engine-powered all-wheel-drive multidirectional forklift. Comex - deep diving operations for the offshore oil industry Comfit Valves Corps. - full range of valves and tube fittings Commercial Coating Services International, Ltd. - industry leader in corrosion protection Compagnie Deutsch - hanger solutions, penetrators, seismic and custom designs Complete Production Services Inc. - completion, coil tubing, wireline, drilling services Complex Well Consultants - is a new concept in drilling consulting services Compressor Systems Holland - design, engineering and packaging of custom-built compressor, blower and pump packages, that meet the international standards and codes Computalog - specializing in wireline logging downhole tools Concentric Pipe Tool Rental - involved in remedialworkover, snubbing, and gravelfrac pack operatioins critical deepwater completions jobs Con-Dive, LLC. - offshore industry subsea contractor Conductor Installation Services Ltd - install conductors with the maximum possible structural integrity reliably and safely Conforma Clad - leading global provider of wear protection solutions to high-performance industrial markets Conley Corporation - manufactures corrosion resistant Nexus reinforced filament wound fiberglass pipe and fittings, valves and strainers, and complete FRP fiber glass reinforced plastic (GRP glass fibre reinforced plastic) piping systems Connection Technology - vibration analysis hardware products which are compatible with data collectors and online monitoring systems Conoco Inc - integrated oil company explores for oil and gas production ConocoPhillips - an international, integrated oil gas exploration and production company Contact. Phone: (128) 12 93 10 00. Fax: Houston, USA, America(North) conocophillips Consafe Engineering Ltd - design and construction of Living Quarters for the offshore Oil and Gas Industry CON-SLOT Screens International - Works at a high quality level with well-functioning quality management Containerhouse International, Inc. - resale, lease, and rental of ocean freight containers to commercial and industrial users Control Flow, Inc. - manufacturer of quality valves, offshore oil field drilling equipment, wellhead, production pressure control equipment and motion compensation equipment ControlAir Inc. - leading manufacturer of precision pneumatic and electro pneumatic control products Converteam Group SAS - an industry leader in electrical engineering, a system integrator, solution provider, designer and manufacturer Cooper Cameron - production equipment as BOPs, chokes, compressors and Xmas trees Contact. Phone: (171) 35 13 33 00. Fax: (171) 35 13 33 55 Houston, USA, America(North) coopercameron Cooper Cameron Corporation - provider of flow equipment products, systems and services to worldwide oil, gas and process industries. Cooper Crouse-Hinds AS - products for hazardous areas, including intrinsically safe interface devices and field bus systems, lighting fixtures, centralised emergency light systems Coordinated Equipment Company - testing services, used equipment and wire rope products to the maritime, petroleum, aerospace, construction CoorsTek, Inc - custom engineering, materials expertise, operational excellence, and rapid execution CoreLab - is a leading provider of proprietary and patented reservoir description Cormon Ltd - offer subsea corrosionerosion monitoring instrumentation consultancy and engineering CORPORACIN Sidenor - special steels, forgings and castings, as well as one of the main manufacturers of drop forging pieces Corrocean ASA - engineering and consultancy in the area of corrosion and erosion Corrpro - corrosion and materials engineering and inspection and testing consultancy Cortland Cable - Electro-Mechanical Cable and Synthetic Rope solutions for applications on, under, and out of this world Cortland Fibron BX - wide range of cables, electromechanical cables, and umbilicals for subsea markets Cosmo Oil - product range for the petrochemical business Covalence Adhesives - leading manufacturer of quality, high performance tape and adhesive products Coyote Energy Inc. - drilling equipment and supplies available from various sellers. Craig Group IMS Ltd, - a complete range of mooring services from its international bases including rental, sale and management of mooring equipment and consultancy in mooring design Craig Group Ltd - emergency response and standby vessels in the North Sea to chain inspection and certification in the Gulf of Mexico Craig International Supplies - oilfield supply houses for the North Sea Oil Gas sector Cranesmart Systems Inc. - wireless crane safety equipment specialty manufacturer of Cranesmart load monitors, anti-2-block systems CRC-Evans Pipeline International, Inc. - manufacture equipment, sell and rent equipment, and subcontract pipeline construction services. Crofton Uniacke House - is an independent consulting firm based in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Our operations continue to be focused on supporting offshore exploration for Canada. Cromar Limited - produce Well Service Equipment to stringent British Standards, SI-913, appropriate International standards (API-6A, NPD, DNV) and NACE specifications Crosco Drilling - drilling and well services Crowcon Detection Instruments Ltd - portable and fixed gas and fire detection equipment for offshore and industry CryoAtlanta, Inc. - in-house pump training programs, we maintain an extensive spare parts inventory to ensure minimal downtime CryoCanada, Inc. - The Right Choice for Repairs, Spares and Service Cryogenic Industries, Inc. - marketing organization for a group of companies engineering, manufacturing and servicing equipment for the industrial gas and other industries worldwide Cryoquip - leading fabricators of Cryogenic vaporizers and Industrial Gas equipment Cryotank - joint venture between NCC Construction AS and Statoil ASA Crystal Engineering Corporation - manufactures Digital Pressure Calibrators, Digital Pressure Gauges, multimeter pressure modules (MultiCals) and other pressure measuring equipment CS Unitec - specializes in electric, hydraulic, and pneumatic power tools for construction and industry CSI Technologies INC - offers technical consulting and software development to operators of electrical generating stations and other process plants CSL - delivers subsea developments from concept to completion for oil and gas companies worldwide CTC Marine Projects - International subsea trenching and cable installation contractor, supporting construction and maintenance of offshore oil and gas production facilities C-Tecnics Ltd - manufacturers of harsh environment apparatus but with an emphasis on equipment containing electronics for use underwater CTES - modelling software and advanced measuring devicesdata acquisition systems to the wireline, slickline, pumping services, drilling CTG Ltd - design and manufacture of advanced composite material for high technology industries CTour Process Systems AS - supplying technological solutions to the international offshore oil gas and marine industry CTS Container Trailer Services Ltd - leading supplier of quality Container and Transport products and services Cudd Pressure Control - coil tubing and well pressure control equipment Cudd Pumping Services - well controlblowout services, snubbing, coiled tubing, wireline, nitrogen and marine services Cudd Well Control - knowledgeable pool of well control specialists and engineers focus on their fields of expertise Cuming Corporation - syntactic foam oil gas pipeline insulation and marine composite materials Cummins Inc. - fuel systems, controls, air handling, filtration, emission solutions and electrical power generation systems Curtiss-Wright Flow Control - for offshore and process applications, offers a wide range of safety valves, gate valves, and air-driven pumps and gas boosters Custom Safety Products, Inc. - manufacture the original non-skid, positive traction pads for the different work areas on the rig floor Cutting Underwater Technologies UK - key technologies within the Offshore Structure Management Abandonment applications CVS Controls Ltd. - Control Valves and Trim Actuators. Pressure Controllers. Regulators. Centrifuges. Chemical Injection Pumps Cybernetix - intervention expertise is also used in advanced scientific and military applications such as deepwater oceanography and mine countermeasures. Cyclotech - products include deoiling, desanding, wellhead desanding hydrocyclones which, with Sandscape slurry eductor, Cygnus Instruments - develoment of the ultrasonic multiple echo technique used for material thickness measurement through coatings DFDS AS - is a leading North European liner shipping company DH Budenberg SA - advanced range of pressure standards and calibration systems. DH Instruments, Inc. - provide superior calibration solutions through innovative technology DHI Water Environment - ecology and environmental chemistry, water resources, hydraulic engineering and hydrodynamics DHL International GmbH - global market leader in international express, overland transport and air freight DHV Industries Inc. - Refining, GasOil, Pipeline, Petrochemical and Power Plant. Diamond Offshore - leading deepwater offshore subsea well drilling contractor Contact. Phone: (180) 08 48 19 80. Fax: (128) 14 92 53 78 Houston, USA, America(North) diamondoffshore Diamond Products International - global supplier of quality PDC Bits, Natural Diamond Bits Diamould Limited - designing and manufacturing electrical, hydraulic and fibre optic connectors Diesel Power AS - Producer and supplier of tailormade diesel and gas generating sets for the shipping and offshore industries Dietswell Engineering - provides drilling operations management services, experienced consultants and state-of-the-art well engineering solutions Digilog Services Ltd - remote intervention ROV control, tooling and survey systems Discflo Corp. - engineering pump solutions for hard-to-pump applications Discover Petroleum - unique exploration technology that will transform hydrocarbon exploration Divex Ltd - is recognised as the global industry leader in the design, supply, manufacture, research and development of diving and subsea equipment Dk Tech Corp. - products with a wide range from analytical and process instrumentation, gas, power generation, petrochemical processing, shipbuilding to semiconductor manufacturing DNH AS - ranges of loudspeakers for industrial and commercial applications DNO - development of smaller petroleum fields Contact. Phone: (47) 23 23 84 80. Fax: (47) 23 23 84 81 Oslo, NORWAY, Europe(North) dno. no DNT Offshore SRL - independent Italian contractor, specialising in the provision of Electric ROV shallow and deepwater subsea assistance services DnV - Det Norske Veritas - inspection and testing, verification and classification services Contact. Phone: (47) 67 57 99 00. Fax: (47) 67 57 99 11 Oslo, NORWAY, Europe(North) dnv Dockwise - specialist in heavy transport barges ocean shipping and operates world-wide Contact. Phone: (32) 33 17 02 00. Fax: (32) 33 15 85 53 Meer, BELGIUM, Europe(North) dockwise Dockwise Shipping B. V. - offers clients unequalled flexibility and transport capacity. DOER Marine - capabilites for ROV and submersible support services DOF Subsea UK - subsea services contractor, providing survey, IRM, construction support and subsea engineering Dolphin Drilling - operating and managing drilling and workover vessels Dominion Technology Gases Ltd - industrial cylinder gas specialist supplying the full range of diving, welding, industrial, laboratory, test and calibration gases Domnick Hunter Ltd - Filtration, purification and separation of compressed air and gases. DONG - danish oil and gas exploration services company Dongying Goldenman Trading co.,ltd - provide drill pipe drill collar casing and tubing Doris Engineering - widespread application of the innovative engineering solutions DOTgroup International - focused towards the Oil Gas, Petrochemical, Power, Ship building and Building Services Construction industries Douce Hydro - designing and manufacturing all types of heavy-duty hydraulic cylinders Douglas-Westwood - business research analysis, strategy and commercial due diligence Downhole Products plc - specialises in the design and manufacture of specialist quality oilfield equipment Downhole Stabilization - manufacturers of downhole stabilizers completion tools DPS Offshore - is the global leader in the rental of marine electronic equipment covering, offshore survey and construction, inspection ROV systems, ROV and diver tooling packages, geophysical and environmental sensors Draco Spring Mfg. Co. - capabilities of producing virtually every type of spring, which also includes wire forms and metal stampings Draeger Safety, Inc. - protects and saves lives through uncompromising innovation safety solutions Dragados Offshore, S. A. - jackets (supports of platforms for crude extraction), turrets, decks, process, accommodation and FPSO modules, semi-submersibles, mooring buoys, modular plants, industrial equipment, etc. Dragon Oil - is an independent oil development and production company Dragon Products, Ltd. - integrated cement and concrete company deep-water shipping terminals Draka Marine, Oil Gas International - safe, reliable wire and cable solutions Draka Norsk Kabel AS - cables and umbilical for the oil, gas and marine markets DrawWorks, L. P. - manufactures and sells circulating, fill-up and flow-back tools for oilfield tubulars including casing, tubing and drill pipe Dreggen Crane AS - special cranes in Ex-proof design, such as hoists, trolleys and slewing cranes, electric, pneumatic or manually-operated cranes, X-mas tree, BOP handling Dresser - complete line of piping specialties for the natural gas, water distribution, and general industrial markets Dresser-Rand - leading supplier of production equipment as compressors and separators Drexelbrook - chemical, petrochemical, refining, power, water and wastewater, food, pharmaceutical, pulp and paper, mining, automotive, and many others. Drilling Support Systems AS - delivers well service and stimulation equipment based on customers specifications Drillmec Spa - production of rigs for the oil, gas and water well drilling Drilltech Group - a leading specialist drilling rental tool company whose primary focus is supporting complex drilling campaigns Dril-Quip - manufacturers drilling and production equipment as wellheads and tubing Dril-Quip (Europe) Ltd - A leader in engineering, manufacturing, sales and services of surface and subsea drilling and production equipment Drives, Incorporated - leading manufacturer of ANSI Precision Roller Chain, Pintle Chain, Agricultural Conveyor Chain, Engineering Class Chain, Oil Field Roller Chain and Auger products DSG-Canusa - heat shrink products and related technology DSND Subsea - is a leading underwater fabrication and construction offshore subsea contractor DUCO Umbilicals - leading manufacturer of umbilicals (steel and thermoplastic) Duffy McGovern Accomodation Services - engineering, sleeping and general purpose units. From laundries to locker rooms, laboratories to logging. DuPont Performance Elastomers - leading global supplier of specialty elastomers and supporting technologies DuPont Safety Resources - Global solution provider for workplace safety and operational excellence Durameter Milton Roy - Durameter Milton Roy manufacturers Series Metering Pumps Dynacon, Inc - cable and umbilical handling systems, instrumentation for oil and gas Dyna-Drill Technologies - an ultra-modern plant, computerized engineering capabilities, coated bearings, corrosion and mechanical fatigue Dynaenergetics GMBH CO KG - Manufactures, markets and sells oil field perforating equipment and explosives for seismic prospecting and decommissioning. Dynamic Load Monitoring - manufactures load cells for measuring loads in land, marine and subsea operations DynaTorque Inc. - manufacturing manual gear operators and specialty products for use with automated valves DynexRivett Inc. - manufactures hydraulic components and systems for use on mobile and industrial machinery pumps, valves, motors and power units E. ON Ruhrgas - wide range of services and products for the transportation and use of natural gas e3a3 Limited - control systems available to the oil pumping industry EAB Engineering AS - specialised in Subsea engineering Eagleburgmann Norway AS - supplier of mechanical seals and sealing systems for oil and gas. Local design and production of buffer fluid systems. Earthquake Protection Systems, Inc. - seismic isolation bearing manufacturers, complete seismic isolation services, including design support, manufacturing, testing, and construction support East Coast Hydraulics NL Ltd. - hydraulic engineering, installation and sales, steel fabrication, mechanical and electrical repairs to ship39s installations, industrial repair and sales and service of mechanical component East of England Energy Group - stable energy supplies, Natural resources, internationally renowned academics and world-class companies exploiting innovation Easywell AS - Enables previously unachievable oil field performance through the invention and practical application of unique downhole technologies Eaton Industries B. V. - main operation is the production of special custom build hydraulic cylinders Echometer Company - leading supplier of instruments, software and training to analyze and optimize the performance of oil, gas and water wells throughout the world EchometerSonolog Company - latest advances in well performance data acquisition and analysis. Eckel International Inc - manufacturer of hydraulic tubular make-up and break-out equipment known as tongs, design and manufactures tong models, tong positioning equipment, and diesel or electric power units. Eco Physics AG - The specialist in nitrous gas analysis. Has concentrated efforts over the years on analysis of nitrous gas components with the aid of chemiluminescence Econosto UK - valves and related products to a wide range of industries Ecopetrol, S. A. - carries out hydrocarbon exploration activities Edison Chouest Offshore - is the most technologically advanced and fastest-growing offshore vessel service company EFA Technologies, Inc. - design-engineering firm specializing in electrical and control systems projects for petrochemical and industrial clients. Efird Corrosion International, Inc. - A corrosion engineering, research and testing company EGAS - Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Company - handle the activities of the natural gas resources of Egypt EGS Ltd - provides global specialist multi-disciplinary support to the civil engineering, construction, telecommunications, power, maritime, hydrocarbon and mining industries Egyptian Drilling Company - international drilling contractor Eide Marine Services AS - barges, tugs and floating cranes Eiffel - development tools that make a concrete and immediate difference in how companies produce software ElastecAmerican Marine - largest manufacturer of fire boom in the world. Electro Mechanical Industries, Inc. - is a manufacturer of standard and custom electrical distribution equipment Electrochem Commercial Power - leading manufacturer of high-performance lithium battery packs and cells for harsh operating environments Electronic Technical Services Corporation - design electrical and electronic systems for controlling large AC and DC generators and motors ELF Engineering - expertise in ring cores and precision windings Elizabeth Carbide Components - custom manufactured quality tooling, wear parts, specialty components, contract grinding, EDM and machining services of Tungsten Carbide, Tool Steel and Ceramic Elliott Bay Design Group, Ltd. - full service Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering firm and shipyard support services Ellis Williams Engineering Co - fabricated with a high-strength, heat-treated alloy steel power frame, often allowing easy modification or customizing of pump designs Elog Ltd - mud logging equipment, exploration and petroleum engineering and services Elos Precision AB - Complicated materials and alloys that have to be processed with high precision requirements EMC - European Marine Contractors Ltd, - pipeline and piping installation contractors and operators Emce Machinefabriek BV - Manufacturer of standard and custom-built winches A range of compact offshore air winches. Emerson Stewart Ltd - Experience ranges from a small offshore unmanned monopod to a world-scale LNG plant EMGS AS - deep electromagnetic (EM) imaging, EMM Corporation - Lifting and Rigging Products EMP - Engineered Machined Products - is an engineering and manufacturing leader in the design, manufacture and assembly of mechanical and electronically driven thermal and oil management products EMS Pipeline Services - is an established energy measurement services company Emtunga AB - service modules, technical, switchgear and utility modules for fixed and floating offshore installations, FPSOs and service vessels. ENAP - exploration and production activities for crude oil and natural gas and the refining and logistics of fuels and other petroleum by products Encana - one of North America39s largest independent gas and oil exploration producers EnCore Oil plc - is an oil and gas exploration and production (EP) company Endress Hauser GmbH Co. KG - temperature for easy temperature measurement point construction Enerflex Systems LTD - is a leading provider of:natural gas compression, power generation and process equipment for either sale, rent or lease Energen Personnel Limited - an oil and gas recruitment consultancy EnerGulf Resources Inc - international oil and gas exploration and production company Energy Alloys - global provider of oilfield metals solutions to the energy industry Energy Cranes - is the worlds leading offshore crane and mechanical handling contractor supporting the oil and gas industry Energy Institute - is the leading professional body for the energy industries Energy Personnel International - experienced personnel for offshore (including deepwater) and onshore projects domestically and internationally Energy Subsea AS - is a contractor providing ROVs and personnel for permanent or project based operations worldwide Enermech - provides a range of Mechanical Engineering Products and Services to the Energy Industry Enerpac - manufacturer of hydraulic cylinders, pumps, valves, presses, tools, bolting tools, accessories and system components Enerscope Systems Inc. - Equipment supplier for solid-from-liquid filtration. Enertag S. A.S. - offer pipeline tracking systems Enertech Services International - provides multi-discipline engineering design, site support to construction, procurement and project management services to the upstream Engineered Spring Products - producing the highest quality springs Engineering Dynamics, Inc. - consulting firms that specializes in vibration and pulsation problems associated with reciprocating machinery and piping, as well as rotating machinery and structures Eni International Resources Limited - oil and natural gas industry focused on three main business activities: Exploration Production, Gas Power and Refining Marketing Eni SpA - integrated energy production company Enidine Inc. - manufacturer of energy absorption, vibration isolation and motion control solutions Ensco - a premier global offshore oil and gas drilling contractor Contact. Phone: (121) 43 97 30 00. Fax: (180) 04 23 80 06 Dallas, USA, America(North) enscous Ensinger GMBH - use of raw materials, waste recycling, waste water, noise and energy consumption Enterprise Oil plc - a crude oil and natural gas exploration and production operator company Entre Marketing Ltd - Offers a selection of services and forums which help companies to target groups in the global market. Enventure Global Technology - is the worlds leading provider of solid expandable technology for the energy industry Enviro Voraxial Technology, Inc. - environmental and industrial separation industries. Environnement SA - a major player in the measurement and analysis of gases in conjunction with pollution and air quality monitoring Enviro-Tech Systems - CPI efficiency is determined by calculating the relationships between the flow-rate, oil and water specific gravity, temperature and oil content ENWA AS - Manufacturer of water treatment equipment for the maritime, oil and gas industry, including reverse osmosis systems EOG Resources, Inc. - independent (non-integrated) oil and natural gas companies in the United States Epcon Offshore AS - treatment technology especially suitable for removing hydrocarbons, hydrophobic substances, aromatic compounds and small particles from produced water Epic Integrated Solutions - providing global services in the Oil and Gas sector with industry leading trainingcompetency assurance, operationsmaintenance documentation eProcess Technologies - cyclone based technologies in the oil gas industry, including oil and water treatment, solids handling and gas liquid separation eProduction Solutions - providing production optimization solutions for flowing wells and all forms of artificial lift EP-Team - provider of Global Logistics Management Services Equalizer International Ltd - Scottish engineering design business producing an innovative range of specialist tools for flange alignment, flange spreading and precision lifting Equipos Petroleros C. A. - manufactures products and generates services for the oil and steel industry, Erling Haug AS - services relating to inspection, testing and certification of lifting equipment, steel wire ropes, anchors and mooring equipment, Ernst Young LLP - financing international exploration, acquisition structuring, transfer pricing, or tax compliance, the energy, Ernst-B Johansen as - Supplier of passive heave compensators ESAB Welding Cutting - The World39s Largest Producer of Welding Consumables and Equipment Escher Process Modules - serve the Oil, Gas Chemical industry worldwide as designer, fabricator, contractor Essar Oil - operates a fully integrated oil company of international size and scale in India. ESSI Corporation - Aids to Navigation, Marine Aids to Navigation eSubsea Ltd. - SUBSEA INDUSTRY BUSINESS WEB INTELLIGENCE Esvagt AS - An international offshore support vessel operator offering a wide range of services, principally AHTSsupply Europipe GMBH - The world39s leading supplier of large-diameter steel pipe. EV Offshore - designing and building world-leading subsea camera inspection systems, supplying such equipment to leading oil and gas industry service companies Evans Engineering, Inc. - design, maintenance, and distribution of jar products worldwide Everlasting Valve Co. - manufacture and market steam boiler blow down valves Excalibur Engineering bv - worldwide offshore engineering and contracting industry and decommissioning and installation of large offshore oil and gas platforms EXMAR HOUSTON - diversified and independent shipping group serving the international gas and oil industry Exoko PCP, LLC - specializing in Composite PC pumps and motors Expo Technologies, Inc. - computer-aided design (CAD), roviding creative, cost effective solutions, high quality stainless steel work Express Engineering - provides high precision-machined components and assemblies Expro - Expros business is well flow management. Expro is a leading provider of services and products that measure, improve, control and process flow from high-value oil and gas wells. Exterran - Total Solution for your oil and gas production and processing facilities Extronics Ltd - manufacture and supply of a diverse range of intrinsically safe and explosion protected electrical and electronic equipment. Exxon Mobil Corporation - world39s premier oil, natural gas, LNG and petroleum products company Contact. Phone. Fax: Houston, USA, America(North) exxonmobil EZRA Holdings - an integrated offshore support solutions provider for the oil and gas industry F R Manufacturing, Inc. - Protect Against Cut Fingers, Snagging Protects Hoses From Sharp Edges When Bending Bundling F. W. Gartner - offers complete machining and grinding capabilities for turnkey service FabEnCo, Inc. - produced a wide array of fabricated metal products for various industries Fabricom Oil Gas - offshore maintenance and service contractor Facet Industrial B. V. - design, manufacture and distribution of advanced filtration and separation products and systems. Fairstar Heavy Transport NV - provider of long distance ocean transportation services for the offshore and onshore industries Fairwinds International, Inc. - specializing in engineering, project management, consulting, and inspection services to the oil gas and marine industries Falkland Oil and Gas - survey and hydrocarbon exploration Falmouth Divers Ltd - diving support services and general Marine Civil Engineering and Hydrographic Surveying. Famfa Oil Limited - Nigerian oil and gas exploration and production company Fantoft Process Technologies - simulation and modelling software technologies Fardux Ltd - provider of Surface and Down Hole Data Acquisition Systems for the oil and gas industry Farmers Copper Ltd. - distributor of copper, brass, bronze, cupro-nickel, silicon bronze, aluminum bronze, beryllium copper, carbon stainless steel Faro Technologies - software and portable, computerized measurement devices, allow manufacturers to perform 3-D inspections of parts and assemblies on the shop floor Farr Canada - manufacturing hydraulic power tongs Farris Engineering - Manufactures safetypressure relief valves and safety steam valves for the process, oil and gas and offshore markets Fastenal - fastener distributor Fastener Division - industry leader for plastic fastening systems. Fastorq Bolting Systems, Inc - global provider of precision bolt loading and removal solutions. Fawcett Christie Hydraulics Ltd - Fawcett Christie Hydraulics Ltd have been established in the UK hydraulics industry for over 50 years. FBV, Inc. - Professional Valve Provider Federal Flange - standard and custom flanges of lasting quality. 39 Federal Signal Corporation - manufacturer and worldwide supplier of safety, signaling and communications equipment, fire rescue products Ferguson Modular Limited - manufacture, deliver and install modules to onshore and offshore locations FFUTURE SRL - Special application cable and wire supplies FGP Sensors Instrumentation - a worldwide leader in the sensor industry FHF Funke Huster Fernsig GmbH - solutions for industry in the field of telecommunications and signal equipment Fibergrate Composite Structures - manufacturer of the Chemgrate and Fibergrate brands, is the inventor and world39s leader in molded fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) grating. Fike Corporation - developed pressure activation devices specifically for use in the oilgas industry. Fincantieri - Cantieri Navali Italiani S. p.A - construction and naval repair, construction of drive systems, Industrial Reconstruction Fine Tubes Ltd - corrosion resistant stainless steel and nickel alloy tubing products Firsa - italian manufacturer of cast steel valves and strainer for chemical and petrochemical industries. FISCHCON Trading Engineering bv - rotating equipment packages and custom-built units containing rotating equipment Fisher Offshore - specialising in subsea tooling and lifting solutions Five Star Rockwater - Marine pile repair and protection systems Fjell Industrier - Specialises in design, production and repair of heat exchangers, pressure vessels, driers, evaporators and piping systems Flanders Investment and Trade - Promotes sustainable international business in the interest of both Flanders-based companies and overseas enterprises. Flare Industries, Inc. - combustion and pollution control technology, providing quality flare systems, thermal oxidizers, and ignition systems Flexible Metal, Inc. - manufactures metal bellows, expansion joints, corrugated tubing, braid and fabricated assemblies Flexitallic Ltd - manufactures gaskets and seals materials for the world39s process industries Flexlife Ltd - delivery of flexible pipe projects FloaTEC, LLC - deepwater floating production systems (FPS). Floatex Separations Ltd - classification technology Floating Pipeline Company - light-weight composite reinforced pressure vessels Flotation Technologies - design, engineering, and manufacture of deepwater buoyancy systems, specializing in high-strength Flotec syntactic foam and polyurethane elastomer products. Flowguard USA - designs and sizes as to be able to solve most any hydraulically induced pulsation, vibration, or rapid surge problem Flowserve Corporation - supplying pumps, valves, seals automation and services to the power, oil, gas, chemical and other industries Fluent Sweden AB - products enable engineers and designers to simulate fluid flow, heat and mass transfer Fluid Imaging Technologies - instrument for rapid monitoring of particles in fluid Fluid Systems, Incorporated - distributorrepresentative for pump and filtration equipment Fluorocarbon Co Ltd - manufacture and market PTFE and associated PTFE products. FMC Corporation - oil and gas exploration and production equipment for land and offshore FMC Kongsberg Subsea - field development engineering and production equipment as wellheads and Xmas trees FMC Measurement Solution - flow measurement and well control of petroleum FMC Surface Wellhead - manufacturer of oil and gas drilling and completion equipment for land and topside offshore platform requirements. FMC Technologies Subsea Systems - The world39s leading supplier of subsea production systems. Contact. Phone: 281 591 4000, Fax: Houston, USA, America(North) fmctechnologiesSubsea Focal Technologies Corp - rotary coupling products and oceanographic instrumentation Focal Technologies Corporation - design and supply of electrical and fiber optic rotary solutions, and fiber optic multiplexers for systems passing power and signals across a rotational interface FORCE Technology - An international consultancy and service provider offering a wide range of services and solution Foremost Industries LP - manufactures drilling rigs and special tooling for the oil and gas, mining, waterwell, construction, geo-technical, and environmental market Forest Oil Corporation - exploration, acquisition, development, production and marketing of natural gas and crude oil Forgiatura Mame - a quality forgemaster both in Italy and abroad Forgiatura Marcora - Forging open die forging forged carbon special flanges body valves Forja Centro - production of steel forging products Forjas Irizar - Forjas Irizar SL production is responsive to the special demands of the market as well as to the production of components to international standards. Formsprag Clutch - designing, manufacturing and delivering dependable, long-lived, precision power transmission products Forum Oilfield Technologies - single-source, broad-based supplier of equipment and technology for the oil gas drilling and production industry. Foster Wheeler - Global Engineering and Construction (EC) Group and The Global Power Group FoundOcean - structural and pipeline grouting services Foxboro - innovative automation systems, instrumentation and service solutions. Framo Engineering AS - multiphase flowmeters, pumps and swivel technology Contact. Phone: (47) 55 92 88 00. Fax: (47) 55 92 89 10 Sandsli, NORWAY, Europe(North) framoeng. no Frank Mohn Flaty AS - supplying water injection, electric submersible and firewater pumps to industry, together with oil recovery systems Franklin Howard International Ltd - is leading west africa energy and gas service company Franlin Offshore Supply Engineering - service company to provide global solutions to the Oil, GAs, Exploration Marine and construction companies. Fred. Olsen Energy - a leading provider drilling and well services Fred. Olsen Production - Floating Production, Storage and Offloading (FPSO) and Floating Storage and Offloading (FSO) units Freeman Curiel Engineers - full service engineering company Friedrich Leutert GmbH Co. KG - instruments for the oil and gas industry, chronometers and navigational instruments Frigstad Offshore Pte Ltd - an offshore drilling contractor Frontier Drilling AS - an independent supplier of drilling and production services for the oil industry Frontline Safety Limited - safety consulting, training and rentals company FS Precision Tech - Manufacturer of net-shape titanium and stainless steel investment castings FTL Seals Technology - supplies leading brand sealing and bearing products. Fugro - geophysical seismic services, survey and positioning consultancy Contact. Phone: 31 (0)70 311 1422. Fax: 31 (0)70 320 2703 Leidschendam, NETHERLANDS, Europe(North) fugro Fugro Chance Inc - wide range of marine survey services and engineering solutions utilizing the latest technology FUGRO Engineers BV - technology to identify, quantify and resolve problems associated with geotechnical design under difficult conditions Fugro Geoservices Inc. - specializes in marine geohazards data acquisition, pipeline route surveys, and related geohazard consulting and permitting services FUGRO Global Environmental and Ocean Sciences - leading supplier of meteorological and oceanographic (metocean) services for offshore and coastal engineering applications Fugro McClelland Marine Geosciences - Project Management, Engineering Analysis Consulting, Geological Studies, Data Acquisition Engineering, Vessel and Marine Drilling Operations, Positioning Surveying. FUGRO Oceanor - Specialist in integrated real-time CCTV and environmental monitoring systems used in offshore oil and gas production FUGRO Survey Ltd - Operates a fleet of six vessels permanently equipped with survey spreads, including geophysicalhydrographic vessels Fugro-Rovtech Limited - provide vessels, ROVs and specialist support in Construction, Drill Support, IRM and Intervention Tooling Furmanite America Inc. - pipeline leak sealant and unrivalled engineering expertise Future Pipe Industries BV - manufacturing components, executes projects which include design, prefabrication, installation and testing G G International NV - regenerators, coke-drums, separators, slug catchers, cyclones, storage tanks, bullets, spheres and cryogenic tanks. G S Consult - operating since 1984 and we have enjoyed a positive and interesting development G. J. Cahill Company Ltd. - supplier of construction, electrical, fabrication, instrumentation and mechanical services G. L.M. Vessels Process Equipment - Process Equipment Storage Equipment Inspection Service and Accessories Engineering G. W. Lisk Company, Inc. - solenoid, rotary solenoids, lvdt, solenoid valves g3baxi partnership limited - a new oil and gas engineering consultancy GAI-Tronics - focused on the communication needs of the worlds industrial markets Galaxy Brushes - design and development of efficient, cost-effective brush manufacturing systems Galp Energia, SGPS, S. A. - Oil Petroleum, Natural Gas Supply, Regasification, Transport, Storage and Distribution portugal Galvotec Alloys, Inc. LA - highest quality galvanic anodes on the market. Galvotec Corrosion Services, LLC - full range of cathodic protection services, both onshore and offshore, which include monitoring, system design, evaluation, material, supply, and installation. Gann Mekaniske AS - one of the leading companies within solids control mud treatment systems Gardline Geosurvey Ltd - geophysical specialist providing a fully integrated service with environmental, oceanographic and geotechnical expertise Gardline Marine Sciences Limited - marine geophysical, geotechnical, environmental and hydrographic survey company Gardner Denver, Inc - global producer of blowers, air compressors, petroleum pumps, water jetting pumps and accessories, and fluid transfer equipment, and liquid ring pumps. Garlock France - has been helping customers efficiently seal the toughest process fluids in the most demanding applications Gas de France - one of the leading European gas groups Contact. Phone: (331) 47 54 70 34. Fax: (331) 42 70 38 33 Paris, FRANCE, Europe(North) gazdefrance Gas Services International - complete engineering and supply within battery limits of any process equipment plant. Gas Turbine Efficiency AB - Develops, manufactures and markets systems for gas turbine cleaning Gasoptics Sweden AB - Technology pinpoints gas leaks at both land-based and offshore petroleum and petrochemical installations. GASSCO AS - The independent operator of the gas transport system from the Norwegian continental shelf to Europe. GAT Gesellschaft fur ANTRIEBSTECHNIK MBH - High-performance rotary unions and electrical slip rings for customer specific applications GATE - is an oil and gas engineering consulting company Gates Corporation - Worldwide Power Transmission, Worldwide Automotive Hoses, and Worldwide Hydraulic and Industrial Hose Connectors Gaumer Process Heaters - supplier of electric industrial heaters, heating systems, and controls to the process industries Gazflot - russian exploration and ship owning company Gazprom - is the world39s biggest gas exploration and production company Contact. Phone: (709) 57 19 30 01. Fax: (709) 57 19 83 33 Moscow, RUSSIA, Europe(North) gazprom. ru Gazprombank - services to enterprises and employees of other sectors (chemical, engineering, defence, nuclear etc.) GBA Flare Systems - Well known for experience in the design, fabrication and installation of flare, vent and chimney systems for land-based and offshore applications world-wide GBA-Corona - provide flare equipment with the highest quality of design, materials and construction G-Comex - provision of logistics, procurement, management and commercial representation services for the Oil Gas market GDV Maritime AS - commercial management of offshore vessels, chartering, project management, logistics, agency support GE Oil Gas - is a world leader in advanced technology equipment and services for all segments of the oil and gas industry Contact. Phone: 39 055 4272 500. Fax: Florence, Italy, Europe(South) geoilandgas GE Oil Gas Nuovo Pignone - mechanical engineering solutions to the oil gas industry Gearench - high quality, safe and effective products by utilizing the latest innovations in applied engineering, manufacturing process improvement and quality assurance. GECMA Components GmbH - developing and producing innovative products for the Ex-Zones of chemical and pharmaceutical companies GEFCO - design and manufacture of a complete line of portable drilling rigs and related equipment for the waterwell, environmental groundwater monitoring, construction, mining and shallow oil exploration and production industries. General Acoustics GMBH - developer of innovative hydroacoustic technology for detecting sediment layers and properties, high-tech producer of echosounders, General Cable Technologies Corporation - leader in the development, design, manufacture, marketing and distribution of copper, aluminum and fiber optic wire and cable products General Carbide Europe Limited - The manufacture of hard metal wear parts. Specialists in the the oil and gas extraction industry. Sintered metal carbides, tungsten carbide valves, cages, general wear parts. Machining, grinding and polishing of sintered preforms of all grades. General Geophysics Co - geophysical equipment and geophysical services to the oil and gas industry General Marine Leasing - largest fleet of metal portable living quarters for the offshore oil and gas industry General Oceanics, Inc. - manufacturer of environmetal testing and safety monitoring equipment General Robotics Ltd - World leader in developing customised simulation solutions for the subsea environment. Generon IGS Americas - designed to liquefy Nitrogen Gas produced from either Generon IGSs Nitrogen Membrane Generators or Pressure Swing Absorption Nitrogen Generators Genesis Oil and Gas Consultants Ltd - consultancy and engineering company servicing a broad range of clients in the upstream oil gas process industries. Genius Vos B. V. - production of offshore structures, platforms, special steel constructions, process modules, pressure vessels, heat exchangers, columns, condensers, bridges and locks Genoa Design International Ltd - provides design, drafting and lofting services to marine and offshore industries GENOIL Inc. - technology development and process-licensing company Genstar Technologies Company, Inc. - world class products such as pressure regulators, fittings, valves, welding apparatus and various gas control and handling devices. GEO ASA - ocean-going and one nearshore vessel, a Hugin 3000 AUVUUV system and 14 work ROVs GeoAcoustics Ltd - remote intervention as seabed profiling and survey systemst Geobyte ltd - geological exploring of resources of potential regions of oil and gas resources and condensate GeoConcepts - providing high-quality Information Technology solutions Geodrive Technology BV - Specialised in all pile driving-related issues, development of new pile driving equipment and pile driving methods. GeoFields, Inc. - Pipeline Management Solutions Geomechanics International - well planning, drilling, production and completion GeoPardazesh - one of the Iranian39s leading Geophysics and Geology Exploration Services Groups Geophysical Research Company, LLC - complete line of accurate, rugged and versatile mechanical and electronic pressure gauges Geoscience Ltd - earth science consultancy, primarily serving the oil and gas industry GeoSeis - wide aperture seismic acquisition and interpretation, OBS, production seismic Geoservices - specialise in well intervention cased hole logging, driling consultancy Geospace Engineering Resources International L. P. - leader in the seismic instrument and equipment business design, manufacture and deploy seismic instrumentation, reservoir monitoring, cableumbilical and thermal imaging solutions Geotopic - geophysical services such as sub-surface reconnaissance, site investigation, environmental data, data evaluation, Germanischer Lloyd - researching and continual improving safety-relevant factors GFG Gesellschaft fur GERTEBAU MBH - gas detection, specialising in designing, developing and producing reliable equipment for gas measurement. GFSA - Designs and manufactures filtration and process equipment which exhibits leading-edge technology and is environment-friendly Gill Services, Inc. - catheads, kelly spinners, power tongs, bucking units Gilmore Valve Co. - warehouse, machine shop, assembly and testwith a number of CNC machines Gisma GMBH - One of the leading manufacturers of high-performance underwater connectors. Gisma Steckverbinder GmbH - of the leading manufacturers of high-performance underwater electrical, fibre-optic, hybrid and pressure balanced ROV-mateable connectors Glamox International - An experienced partner in lighting solutions offshore. Offers a complete range of light fittings to the marine and oil and gas markets. Global Energy Group - a contracting and service-based company supporting the International Energy Industry Global Geo Services ASA - geology and seismic exploration consultancy Global Industries Offshore, L. L.C - offshore construction and underwater diving services Global Industries, Ltd. - provides offshore construction, engineering and support services. Global Marine Systems - Global Marine Offer ROV Inductions and Pilot Technician Training Global Maritime AS - international team of engineers and mariners who apply their diverse skills and knowledge to technical and commercial problems Global Offshore Consulting AS - Provides C-Nav world DGPS globally corrected GPS system. Also provides ROV, survey and contract personnel to the offshore industry worldwide Global Oilfield Supplies Ltd - Suppliers of valves, gaskets and oilfield equipment Global Pipe Components - leading provider of inventory to the Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Industry Worldwide. Global Project Consultants (GPC) - projectconstruction management related services to energy-related companies and contractors Global Supplier - Sale of oil cleanliness equipment. agent for EZ-OilClean green oil filtering solutions. HIAC PODS, water-in-oil monitors, Lomma Hardchrome. Global Thermoelectric Inc. - supplier of thermoelectric generators (TEGs) and one of the worlds leading suppliers of remote power systems Globe Engineering South Africa PTY LTD - expertise in the fields of marine repair and conversion has separate facilities for plate and boiler work, heavy machining, electrical rewinding, pipe work, joinery and shipwright work. Gloria Material Technology Corp.(GMTC) - Stainless steel, VARESR materials, Nickel-based alloys, Titanium alloys, Specialty steel, ingots, billets, and bars Glynwed AB - High temperature ceramics: tubes, isolating tubes, laboratory ware, plates, crucibles. Electro-ceramics: insulators, feedthroughs, thyristor housing, etc GM International Safety Inc. - total solutions intrinsic safety provider to todays industries GMT - The Titanium Specialist - Major stockist and distributor of titanium products such as round bar, pipetube, forginsflanges, sheetsplates and special items Godwin Pumps of America, Inc. - electric and hydraulic submersible pumps Golder Associates - Offices throughout the pan-Arctic region, with extensive experience in cold region engineering, environmental and socio-economic services Goriziane S. p.A. - maintenance, repair, general review and modernization of means, machinery and systems GOW-MAC Instrument CO Ltd - manufacture and marketing of analytical instruments, detectors and filaments GP:50 - manufacturer of pressure transducers transmitters manufacturing pressure instruments GPA AS - broad line of valves and pipe systems for the process industry on land and offshore. Grace Instrument Company - provides highly automated instruments as well as traditional manual instruments Granherne Limited - front-end engineering consultancy for onshore, offshore and deepwater oil and gas development Grant Geophysical - international seismic contractor Grant Prideco - drill pipe, tubulars and other drill stem products Gray Wireline Services, Inc. - the largest independently-owned, cased-hole wireline company in the US Great Offshore - integrated offshore oilfield services provider Greatship Global India - service provider in the offshore energy exploration and production domain globally and in India. Grenland Group ASA - complete EPC project deliveries in its divisions for Oil Gas and Process Industry Grenland Nusantara SND BHD - AsIs 3D laser scanning, HiWay 6000, subsea templates and manifolds, and advanced deepwater engineering. Grenland Realconcept - services range from studies to full engineering projects Grinaker-LTA M E - comprehensive service covering structural steel, mechanical, piping, electrical, and instrumentation installations and commissioning Groth Corporation - manufactures storage tank protection equipment, pressure relief valves Grotnes Verksted AS - company soon began developing its flamecutting technology, based on raw materials from Norsk Jernverk AS, steel mill placed in Mo i Rana. Groupe Genoyer Corporate - leading piping and oil gas pipeline packager GS-Hydro Group - Offers innovative solutions to high and low pressure pipe jointing problems, and is rightly known as the world39s leading supplier of piping without welding. GSM, Inc. - consulting petroleum engineers GSP Grup Servicii Petroliere - performs offshore drilling, offering at the same time engineering and technical consultancy GSPC Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation - vertically integrated energy company across India and overseas GTO Subsea AS - innovative dredging supplier providing services to the world offshore market Guido Perla Associates, Inc - full service consulting engineering firm, specializing in providing design and engineering services for clients in the marine industry Gulf Coast Downhole Technologies - manufacturer of downhole cable for permanent well monitoring systems Gulf Engine Equipment, Inc. - industrial engine distributor and engine packager that specializes in engine applications below 200 hp Gulf Island Fabrication, Inc. - a fabricator of offshore drilling and production platforms Gulf Marine Services - owns and operates Elevated Support Vessels as well as supply and AHTS vessels. Gulf Publishing Company - leading publisher to the oil and gas industry Gulf Research - syndicated and custom market research studies Gulfmark Offshore - international offshore marine services industry Gumpro Chem Drilling Fluids - offers a complete range of drilling fluid additives like Specialized Lubricants, Stuck Breakers, loss Circulation material Dispersants, Guru Industrial Valves Pvt. Ltd. - one of the pioneers in the world of Valves and Pipe fittings Gusto B. V.Products - consists of Gusto, Marine Structure Consultants, Single Buoy Moorings GustoMSC Inc - consulting firm providing a wide range of engineering services to the offshore industry GVA Consultants - marine and offshore design company for semi-submersibles and other floating units H Butting GMBH CO KG - Eucalyptus as raw material for pulp extraction First overseas assembly order for BUTTING HS Tool Inc - end prep tool rentals, boiler tube tool inventory, milling tool rentals, tube expander sales and rentals Haakon Ellingsen AS - Major supplier of systems for valve actuation and instrumentation to offshore, shipbuilding and land-based industry. Hagglund Drives AS - hydraulic drive systems for demanding marine and industrial applications, such as winches, top drives, pump drives, roughnecks and thrusters. Haimo Technologies Inc. - multiphase metering expertise using gamma ray absorption and cross correlation technologies Halliburton - cementing, seismic and oil and gas products Houston Contact. Phone: (171) 32 43 41 21. Fax: Houston, USA, America(North) halliburton Hallin Marine Systems - integrated subsea services provider operating primarily in the offshore oil and gas industries Halton Marine - Develops, manufacturers and markets reliable, high-quality ventilation solutions for demanding offshore, marine and navy applications. Hamanaka Chain - chain production manufactured by steel heat forging method Hamanaka International, Inc - Manufactured the Flash Butt-Welded Chain for the first time in Asia HAM-Let - specializes in the design, development, production, and marketing of high quality instrumentation valves and fittings Hammelmann Maschinenfabrik GMBH - API 674 high-pressure plunger pumps for chemical injection, UHP water jetting. Electric or diesel driven. Hamworthy Combustion Engineering - provider in the highly specialised markets we serve. Power Industrial process Marine Offshore and refining Petrochemical Hamworthy Moss AS - leading designer, developer and manufacturer of advanced marine fluid handling systems Hamworthy Pump Ssystems AS - Specialises in cargo and ballast pumping systems, both electric deepwell and conventional pump room systems, Hardide Coatings Limited - surface engineering technology combining ultra-hardness, low friction and chemical resistance Harris Pye Marine Ltd. - leading specialists in repair of marine boilers, including all associated steam systems Hart Energy Publishing, LP - pipeline technology - natural gas and refined products pipelines throught the world. Haskel International Inc - BuTech, the broadest valve, fitting and tubing line offers cone and thread connections and expert custom engineering for applications and pressures from vacuum to 150,000 PSI (10,340 bar) HATEC Inc. - metric hydraulic components Havila Shipping ASA - platform supply vessels, anchor handling tug supply vessels, rescue - and recovery vessels Havtroll - provider of subsea consultants through Havtroll AS and EPC supplier of subseaflowline equipment through Havtroll Teknikk AS HAWE Hydraulics - specialized hydraulic solutions for industrial and mobile motion control problems Hawk Industries, Inc - design, manufacture, and sale of a variety of specialty tools used in the oil well, water well, and construction industries Hawke Cable Glands Ltd - is recognised as a world leader in the development and manufacture of Cable Glands for hazardous areas Hawke International UK - hazardous area and hostile environment markets, with an innovative range of cable connection, termination and barrier products Hayata of North America, Ltd. - manufacturer of wiring accessories Hayden Industrial Products - designing and manufacturing heat exchangers Hayward Tyler Engineered Products - pump and fluid-filled motor technology HB Rentals - providing Audio-Visual, Video and Audio rental equipment and services HB Rentals - Provides the energy production industry with comfortable, safe and functional living accommodation and accessories for land-basedand offshore job sites. HCL Fasterners Ltd - Specialist in manufacturing offshore strapping and banding systems. HD Oiltech - power slip systems for tubing, drill pipe, drill collars and casing up to 30 inches, mud shear gun, umbilical equipment, pump-in subs, Heatric - Designs and manufactures highly compact printed circuit heat exchangers Heerema Fabrication Group - installation transportation, operates semi-submersible crane vessels Heerema Group - offshore oil and gas industry and the construction and infrastructure markets. Heerema Marine Contractors (HMC) - leading marine contractor, HMC transports, installs and removes all types of offshore facilities Heila Marine Cranes - Manufacturer of marine cranes deck equipment. foldable, knuckle, box, telescopic and fixed boom cranes for workboats Heinen Hopman EngINeering - designing, engineering and installing air-conditioning, cooling, ventilation and central heating systems Helix Energy Solutions Group, Inc. - marginal field development, alternative development plans, field life extension, and abandonment Helix RDS - integrated subsurface and wells consultancy operating in all hydrocarbon provinces in the world Hellan Strainer Company - stainless steel for the offshore industry Helzel Messtechnik GMBH - Manufacturer of the Wera remote ocean monitoring system. An oceanographic HF radar providing simultaneous measurement of surface currents Hempel Group - manufacturers and suppliers of paint and coating Henan Jingrui Superhard Material Co. Ltd. - specialized in RD and production of PDC cutters used in oilgas exploration. Hercules Industries, Inc - manufacturers and wholesale distributors of high-quality HVAC sheet metal products and equipment Hercules Offshore - provider of offshore contract drilling, liftboat and inland barge services Heritage Oil Corporation - independent, international oil and gas exploration, development and production company Hermes Marine Services AS - is a steel fabrication company, based in Stavanger HERNIS Scan Systems AS - world leader within high quality Closed Circuit Television Systems (CCTV) and Visual Integrated Systems (V. I.S) Ibex Geotech Limited - professional engineers with broad mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, electronic hardware, software and engineering ICAN - global leader in providing complete marine navigation and surveillance solutions. Iceland Oil - oil gas exploration company in Iceland ICON Engineering Pty Ltd - experience with operating companies in areas from exploration through to abandonment. Idevekst Gruppen AS - creates value through development and restructuring of technology based companies for the oil-, gas and maritime sectors IDM Equipment, LTD - engineers and builds advanced drilling rigs and their component equipment IFG De Wit BV - manufacturer of pressure and temperature test and measuring equipment for all applications Ifremer - engineering, underwater exploration and environmental monitoring IGF, Inc - providing a variety of quality fiberglass products like FRP Flanges, FRP Light Poles, FRP Molded Fiberglass Grating IGUS GMBH - supplier of complex technical polymer components polymer bearings as well as a network of sales engineers IHC Hydrohammer BV - Designs, builds and supplies hydraulic piling hammers for land and offshore use IHSGlobal - base of engineering data from research and design to manufacturing and repair iicorr Ltd - specialist technology company in integrity, inspection and corrosion IKM Subsea Design AS - consultancy services within subsea production systems, workover and drilling IL Sung Engineering Co. Ltd. - quality management philosophy for continuous chemical, petrochemical and power plant processes and products. IMarEST - an international professional membership body and learned society for all marine professionals Imenco Technology AS - subsea vendor for ROV systems and spare parts Imes Group - provides testing, monitoring and measurement, in-service support and specialist engineering services Imes Systems - provides load monitoring and load measurement solutions Impact Selector Inc. - manufactures, rents, and leases mechanical impact tools for open-hole and cased-hole wireline operations Impact Solutions Group - unique technologies in drilling and completion uids, cementing, wellbore stability, formation damage, Managed Pressure Drilling and production Impalloy - anodes materials systems for cathodic protection, offshore and on. impROV Ltd - engineering and manufacturing across, drilling, production and workover equipment, both surface and subsea Imtech Marine Offshore - complete solutions, from innovation to installation, to testing and commissioning Indian Oil Corp - major diversified, transnational, integrated energy company Indiana Gratings Pvt. Ltd. - design, manufacture, supply and erection of gratings all over the world. Indumar Products, Inc. - STOP IT PIPE REPAIR SYSTEM for repairing leaking pipes Industrial Brushware Limited - Design Manufacturers of specialised technical industrial brushes, seals, spacers, plugs cleaning systems. Industry Technology Facilitator - Promotes the development and application of new technologies to meet the future needs of the oil and gas industry. Infield Systems Limited - provide geographical and sectoral analysis, market entry strategies, quantitative and qualitative surveys, custom reports Ingersoll Rand Productivity Solutions - providing air and electric power tools, material handling equipment, fluid handling products and dispensing systems Ingersoll-Rand Company Limited - industrial and construction equipment Innicor Subsurface Technologies - completion and work-over of oil and gas wells. Innoteq GmbH Co KG - is a service provider for laser welding and surface applications for wear and corrosion protection Innoteq GmbH Co KG - is a service provider for laser welding and surface applications for wear and corrosion protection Innov - X Systems Inc. - portable analyzers x-ray tube-based portable XRF Innova - provide a full range of products for the ROV and underwater industry, by combining a strong alliance with leading suppliers and a range of products developed in-house. Inocean - conversion of tankers to FPSOs, construction of drilling and production of vessel newbuildings Inpex Corporation - oil gas exploration in japan Insensys - providing improvements in performance, safety and profitability by fibre optic strain and temperature measurement. Inspectahire Inst. Co. Ltd - leading supplier of progressive inspection solutions. Instrumentation Group - manufactures of industrial Temperature, Pressure, Humidity, Test and Calibration instruments INTEC Engineering - provides engineering services to the Exploration and Production, Construction, and Transportation sectors of the energy industry worldwide. INTEC Engineering Partnership, Ltd. - Marine Pipelines and Risers, Marine Terminals, Subsea Production, Floating Production, and Liquefied Natural Gas Integrated Equipment, Inc. - Pressure And Flow Control Products For Working Pressures Up To 15,000 Psi InterAct PMTI - activity management, decommissioning, engineering and drilling and production services InterMoor - is the leader in innovative mooring and installation technology International Cable Management - specialising in supporting major operators, engineering companies, original equipment manufacturers and service companies International Coatings Ltd - high performance protective paint and coatings International Grating Inc. - manufacturer for fiberglass grating and structural systems International Oilfield Drilling Supplies - supplier of fully integrated corrosion resistant solutions, expertly project managed to meet your delivery and cost requirements. International Paint LLC - offer an extensive range of high performance coatings for the oil, gas International Snubbing Services - well control, workover, workover rig, driliing, drilling rig, snub, snubbing, International Submarine Engineering Ltd. (ISE) - design and development of Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs), Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) International Subsea Inc. - rental equipment and installation assistance for well completions, workovers, subsea system installations and decommissioning. InterOcean systems inc - oceanographic and environmental equipment and systems Intsel Steel Distributors. - plate burning, beveling, split tees, saw cutting (including miter cutting), blasting and painting INTSOK - expand the business activities in the international oil and gas markets Invensys Systems Norge AS - chemicals, oil and gas, power and utilities to perform with greater efficiency, safety and cost-effectiveness. ION - a leading technology-focused seismic solutions company. IONICS Instrument Group - Produces a wide range of analysers, instruments and systems. Instruments in focus at ONS are oil-on-water monitoring IPSCO Inc. - Steel, pipe, ipsco, steel, metal, products, steelmaking, processing, ferrous, carbon hot rolled coil, rolled coil, mills, IRC Australia - Vibrant and innovative international consultancy specialising in providing safety, environmental and reliability solutions Irving Shipbuilding Inc. - provide world class shipbuilding and repair, drill rig construction and conversion, offshore fabrication, industrial manufacturing Island Offshore - a fleet of advanced high quality service and construction vessels Isotek Electronics Ltd - have been making control systems for sub-sea operations since 1984 Itag - a leading drilling contractor and manufacturing plant ITAG Valve Oilfield Products GmbH - supplies Ball Valves, Pig Valves Gate Valves Wellheads X-mas Trees and drill string components for the requirements of the Oil - and Gas-Industry i-TEC - development and manufacture of drilling and competion products i-Tech - A Division of Subsea 7 - Leading remotely operated vehicle (ROV) service provider Ithaca Energy Inc. - is a Canadian oil and gas exploration and development company ITH-GMBH - Torque wrenches, bolt-tensioning cylinders, high-pressure pumps, torque multipliers, nut runners (pneumatic and electric) ITS Drilling Services - providing global environmental solutions for the global drilling industry. IUC Oil Gas - specialities are heavy and precision manufacturing, IT product and system development, noise and vibration suppression IVS 3D - provision of interactive 3D visualization and analysis software for marine information iXBlue Limited - subsea marine equipment and oilfield repair and rental Ixsea SAS - Worldwide leader in acoustic technology for several decades J S Ltd - primarily in the area of deepwater, high-reliability subsea communication signal and power networks. J Martens AS - Provides international and domestic freight services by land, sea and air. Road transport, domestic and international J Ray McDermott - design, fabrication, transportation and installation of offshore platforms, and installation of offshore pipelines. J. H. Menge Company, Inc. - engineering sales to Gulf Coast shipyards, refineries and terminals, the dock building industry and to the offshore oil industry J. D. Neuhaus L. P. - offers solutions for practically any material handling problem Jacques Whitford - environmental engineers, scientists and consultants focused on solving environmental issues Jagson International Limited (JIL) - offshore drilling in the Indian waters James Walker Norge AS - High integrity seals for all oilfield and upstream duties moulded in high-performance elastomers Jamison Products, L. P. - products which include Strainers, Filters, Pig Equipment, ASME Code Vessels, pipe fabrication, and other Oil and Gas related equipment Japan Drilling Co ltd - japanese offshore drilling contractor JASCO Research Ltd. - research under contract in the areas of distributed environmental monitoring, physical oceanography, underwater acoustics JCE Europe Ltd - Major supplier of control and instrumentation systems for hazardous areas. JDR Cable Systems - from cutting edge small diameter, high performance specialist Defense cables to multi-function, armored umbilicals Jee - is an independent engineering company that specialises in pipeline, riser and subsea engineering for the oil and gas industry Jelec USA Inc. - providing expertise in Electrical, Monitoring and Instrumentation Systems for the Marine and Oil Gas Industries Jergo AB - Cutting and bevelling machines for pipes, flange-facing machines, valve repair equipment, Lokring fittings, hydraulic tensioners, JETYD Corporate Headquarters - optimized bolting solutions, bolting solutions, tension gun, tension guns, air gun, electric gun JH Technology, Inc - manufacture an ultrasonic leak detectorvibration monitor Jindal Drilling Industries ltd - deep ocean well drilling engineering and more Jogler, Inc. - Level Gages to determine the level of liquid in a tank or vessel Johanson Metall AB - producer of plain bearings, bars, tubes and castings in bronze. Jordan Valve - manufacturer of pressure regulators, back pressure regulators, temperature regulators, pneumatic and electric control valves Jorin Limited - Process, Oil, Gas, Chemical, Water, Partical, Analysis, Partical Analysis Jotne Group - structural engineering, design and fabrication and construction JP Kenny - subsea system and oil gas pipeline engineering company, maps and data Contact. Phone: (128) 16 75 10 00. Fax: (128) 16 46 98 27 Houston, USA, America(North) jpkenny JPNM Surveys - a leading provider of high quality photographic survey reports to the oil and gas industry JSC Gazprom Neft - is one of the largest oil and gas producing companies in Russia JT Oilfield Mfg. co. Inc - manufacture, repair and sale equipment used in oilfield and drilling industries. Jumbo Offshore - installation contractor with a clear focus on subsea structures, mooring systems and light weight jackets and topsides Jumbo Shipping - Freight control and cargo can originate anywhere June Warren Publishing Ltd. - information products serving the upstream and midstream oil and gas sectors K Controls - control solutions for valves and actuators encompassing switchboxes, switch terminal units, switchsolenoid control centres KD United Safety Services - Construction, industrial and marine safety equipment, Fire alarm systems, Fire, flame, gas detection systems KM Technology Group - development and application of leading edge technologies for extended reach wells Kaefer IKM AS - Focus areas in day-to-day operations are the zero mindset in HSE Kalsi Engineering, Inc - Provides consulting engineering services, including design, analysis and testing of mechanical equipment and structures. Kane May International Ltd - designs and manufactures portable test and measurement equipment in the UK Karmsund Maritime Offshore Supply AS - development, production, supply and sale of patented tools and equipment for the petrochemical and process industries, on - and offshore. Kato Engineering - precision-engineered, top quality AC generators, motor-generator sets and controls for power generation. Kavin Engineering and Services Private Ltd - Process, mechanical, instrumentation, piping and structural engineering for oil and gas production and processing facilities. Kaydon Corporation - bearing systems and components and filters and filter housings, but also custom rings, shaft seals, specialty retaining rings KBR Engineering - a leading global engineering, construction and services company KCA DEUTAG - is a leading international drilling and engineering company working onshore and offshore with a focus on safety, quality and operational performance. Contact. Phone: 01224 299600, Fax: Aberdeen, SCOTLAND, Europe(North) kcadeutag KD Marine - Commercial Diving Contractors providing underwater intervention services to the offshore oil and gas industry K-DYNE, INC - liquid level switch and sensors Kee Industrial Products, Inc. - structural pipe fittings Kem-Tron Corporate - separation technology Kencana Petroleum - Engineering and Fabrication services as well as our new Marine Engineering and Operations Services businesses Kennametal Inc. - leading global supplier of tooling, engineered components and advanced materials that are consumed in production processes Keppel Offshore Marine - design and engineering solutions, shipyard services and products to the offshore and marine industries Keppel Verolme BV - offers newbuildings related to topsides and jackets, accommodation jack-ups, process skids, loading bouys. Kerr-McGee - is one of the largest U. S.-based independent crude oil exploration and production companies Key Energy Services - cementing, well services and workover rigs Keystone Engineering Inc. - quality project management, engineering, drafting and procurement services Kiewit Corporation - construction services Killark - manufacturer of weatherproof and hazardous location products suitable for standard, explosion proof and other hostile area KIMEK Offshore AS - companies in Norway and Russia making EPFC deliveries to the oil and gas industry in these countries Kimray, Inc. - manufactures quality valves and controls for the oil gas industry world wide. King Oil Tools - design and manufacture of swivels and other handling tools for the drilling industry rotary drilling swivels and elevator links Kleven Maritime AS - Operational activities include ship engineering and design, newbuilding, repair and conversion of vessels. KM Europa Metal AG - products manufactured from an exceptionally versatile material: Copper. KMC Oiltools - provide specialised services and proprietary products to oil and gas producers and drilling contractors. KnightHawk Engineering, Inc - technology based specialty engineering company that performs consulting, field services, and testing. Kobelt Manufacturing - rugged construction, quality materials and prompt delivery to the customers Koch Heat Transfer company - Manufacturer of shell and tube heat exchangers in all type of materials, breech lock type exchanger, KOGAS Korea Gas Corporation - participating in international projects through equity participation in overseas LNG projects Kohlswa Gjuteri AB - specialities: mooring chain accessories, shackles, swivels and triplates. Propeller blades, hub bodies, water jet parts Kolfor Plant LTD - underwater cleaning and inspection, diving contractors have relied on the use of hydraulic scrubbers and H. P. water systems Kongsberg Maritime Ltd - specialises in the supply of innovative and reliable marine electronics and instrumentation Kongsberg Mesotech Ltd. - responsible for the design, manufacture and sales of underwater acoustic products, sonar Kongsberg Simrad - providing underwater imaging, cameras and video technology Kontron America - designs and manufactures embedded computer systems Kor-Lok USA, LLC - leading supplier of instrumentation valves, tube fittings and pipe fittings Kosmos Energy - is a privately held international oil exploration and production company with a focus in Africa. KPI Consultants Ltd - quality assurance consulting group, specialising in quality management and assurance auditing and qualification, including change control and validation Krishna Antioxidants Pvt. Ltd - Leading manufacturer of chemicals for Drilling, Production, Refinery and automotive lubricants. Krohne Oil Gas BV - flow and level metering in the oil and gas industry Krohne, Inc. - leading and one of the most innovative companies for flow measuring devices. Kurt Manufacturing - precision machining facility Kuster Company - manufacturing and marketing the bottom hole pressure gauges
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